So tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I have many many things to be grateful for. I could make a huge list, but I am sure that it would just bore you. So I will just highlight a few things. My family, my friends, my health, and my character. If it weren't for my family, I wouldn't be the person I am today, and that person is a pretty damn cool sister, daughter, aunt, step mom, partner, niece, cousin. If it weren't for my friends; past, present and future, I wouldn't be who I am today, and that is a pretty damn good listener, confidant, allie, hugger, friend. If it weren't for my health; I wouldn't know what pain is, I wouldn't know what joy is, I wouldn't know what gratitude is, I wouldn't know what fear is...and I am grateful for the struggles I have had with my health so that I can be grateful for the fact that I am free from pain, fear, and struggles with my health today. And if it weren't for my character, I wouldn't be able to be the family memeber or friend that I am...that can look in the mirror and be proud of who I am today. I am grateful!
Patrice's mom ended up in the ICU yesterday. She is on a breathing tube with her hands restrained so she can't inadvertantly rip her tube out. They MAY take the breathing tube out today to see if her lungs will work on their own, but eitherway she will be in the ICU for at least 24 more hours. They had to surgically take a larger biopsy of her lung early tuesday, which deflated her lung and they have to continuously pump it back up with a baloon...they will send the biopsy to a lab in Arizona to see if they can figure out what is wrong with her. Once her lungs are better, they will be able to do the surgery to help her with the ulcers and hernia. We are just trying to stay positive.
I am really looking forward to my Betty Crocker skills to come out and shine like they have so many times in the past with Turkey Day dinner. I will start the fun tonight, stuffing the turkey, baking the pies, getting the dinner roll dough ready to raise, mixing up the special turkey day leftover chip dip. YUM-O! I can hardly wait to wake up in the morning to the smell of turkey cooking, the sound of the parade on the tv and the warmth of my favorite day of the year brewing through the house. I will miss being with my mom and sisters this year, but happy to have Tree-c and Tristan to share this day with me.
With all that has happened with Treec's mom the past few weeks she was able to squeeze in some pretty special stuff for me for my birthday last saturday. Thanks to her for being amazing in this time of stress and chaos. Thanks to Mer, Summer and Cam for coming to my house to surprise me. You all made my night really great...and you were able to experience my Dad's nutty girlfriend. HA HA HA
I got a bunch of new things for our future fishing excursions. I can hardly wait for the spring so we can start fishing again! Actually we have talked about doing the ice fishing thing this winter. If things would calm down so we can have a minute to breath....
Well, better get back to work. Just wanted to wish everyone a wonderfully Happy Thanksgiving. If you are traveling, I wish you safety. If you are staying home I wish you comfort. Enjoy the day. TTFN
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Much better prognosis then before...
So far they have found that Mom has esophageal ulcers, a hynatal hernia, and some fibrous lung disease. She is also very low on sodium so she isn't allowed any water, I guess that sodium follows water so if you drink it, the sodium leaves your body at an even faster rate.
They sent a biopsy of her esophagus and her lungs off to the lab to make sure there is no cancer, and to make sure that the fluid on her lungs isn't pneumonia. They suctioned out her lungs, and doubled her dose of heart burn medicine.
She seems to be doing a little bit better, but still struggling to breath and can't seem to kick the cough. But once her lungs are doing better they can go in and do surgery on her ulcers and hernia and fix that problem. So it's a much better prognosis then we initially had been told by the team of docs that are working on her.
Thanksgiving is in just 8 more wake ups...I can hardly wait. I have already purchased the turkey, ham, and a couple of other little things to get ready. I am making dinner at my house this year...
With Patrice's grandma, aunt and dad being in Kansas for her Grandpa's funeral, and her mom being in the hospital it might just end up us three for if anyone is in need of company and some great food...your more then welcome to come to dinner at my house! We would love to have you enjoy it with us!
The big game is saturday...Utah Utes vs BYU Cougars. I really really wanted to go again this year (I was spoiled by my friend Kyla last year and got to go with her and Becky's dad and brother), it's actually on my birthday this year...but alas, I just don't have that much cash to fork out for a football game. I wish! Maybe some miracle will happen and someone will just give me their tickets. HA HA HA. Otherwise I will be watching it from home...which in and of itself will be fun.
Frosty has been staying with me the last couple of nights, he's still not sleeping through the night and Patrice really needed her sleep to be able to function to help her mom. It's been fun to have him around and Topper is being really cute with him, suprisingly enough! Topper is normally very possesive of me, but he's been really patient with this little rodent that chews on his ears and always wants to sit on my lap. I continually give him praise and treats to let him know he's being such a good boy!
Well, thanks again for all your warm wishes and we'll continue to work on getting Mom better.
Hope you have a great day...
They sent a biopsy of her esophagus and her lungs off to the lab to make sure there is no cancer, and to make sure that the fluid on her lungs isn't pneumonia. They suctioned out her lungs, and doubled her dose of heart burn medicine.
She seems to be doing a little bit better, but still struggling to breath and can't seem to kick the cough. But once her lungs are doing better they can go in and do surgery on her ulcers and hernia and fix that problem. So it's a much better prognosis then we initially had been told by the team of docs that are working on her.
Thanksgiving is in just 8 more wake ups...I can hardly wait. I have already purchased the turkey, ham, and a couple of other little things to get ready. I am making dinner at my house this year...
With Patrice's grandma, aunt and dad being in Kansas for her Grandpa's funeral, and her mom being in the hospital it might just end up us three for if anyone is in need of company and some great food...your more then welcome to come to dinner at my house! We would love to have you enjoy it with us!
The big game is saturday...Utah Utes vs BYU Cougars. I really really wanted to go again this year (I was spoiled by my friend Kyla last year and got to go with her and Becky's dad and brother), it's actually on my birthday this year...but alas, I just don't have that much cash to fork out for a football game. I wish! Maybe some miracle will happen and someone will just give me their tickets. HA HA HA. Otherwise I will be watching it from home...which in and of itself will be fun.
Frosty has been staying with me the last couple of nights, he's still not sleeping through the night and Patrice really needed her sleep to be able to function to help her mom. It's been fun to have him around and Topper is being really cute with him, suprisingly enough! Topper is normally very possesive of me, but he's been really patient with this little rodent that chews on his ears and always wants to sit on my lap. I continually give him praise and treats to let him know he's being such a good boy!
Well, thanks again for all your warm wishes and we'll continue to work on getting Mom better.
Hope you have a great day...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
First test back-positive results!
First test was a scope down Mom's throat to check out her esophogus and stomach...they found esophogeal ulcers. She and Patrice both have cronic acid reflux. They can't do surgery to help this YET, because of the concerns about her lungs, but at least they know one of the reasons why she has a persistant cough, and pain in her chest, we are happy to find out that this can be treated. :)
Lung tests to come later...will keep everyone posted.
Lung tests to come later...will keep everyone posted.
Please keep Patrice in your prayers...
We don't know much...but Patrice's mom is in the hospital. She had to be taken to the ER yesterday, and thankfully her very loud and outspoken aunts have taken it upon themselves to take her to the newest and nicest hospital in town, and are not letting the docs or nurses out of sight without constant updates to her condition.
Mom had been having some trouble catching her breath for the past few weeks, they have tested her oxygen levels, her heart, they tested her three times for sleep apnea, and all said and done the doctors just keep putting her off as if she might just be overweight and out of shape. But yesterday after forcing the new docs to really take a look they finally found something that they are concerned with. A mass in her lungs, which could be pnemonia, a tumor, or a blood clot. They are doing biopsy's this morning and we should know later today.
Please keep Patrice and her mom in your thoughts and prayers. I will keep you posted as we know more.
Thanks in advance for your prayers, positive vibes and well wishes, they are much needed and appreciated!
Mom had been having some trouble catching her breath for the past few weeks, they have tested her oxygen levels, her heart, they tested her three times for sleep apnea, and all said and done the doctors just keep putting her off as if she might just be overweight and out of shape. But yesterday after forcing the new docs to really take a look they finally found something that they are concerned with. A mass in her lungs, which could be pnemonia, a tumor, or a blood clot. They are doing biopsy's this morning and we should know later today.
Please keep Patrice and her mom in your thoughts and prayers. I will keep you posted as we know more.
Thanks in advance for your prayers, positive vibes and well wishes, they are much needed and appreciated!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Kyla & Mer both tagged here goes!
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping Paper
2. Real tree or Artificial? Real without hesitation!
3. When do you put up the tree? I would love to put it up the weekend after Turkey Day, but sometimes it takes longer to get just the right one! It's all about shopping for the perfect tree.
4. When do you take the tree down? Usually the weekend after Christmas or else the weekend after New Years.
5. Do you like eggnog? Yes, in fact I had some today that is called Pumpkin Spice Eggnog...yummo!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? I had chemistry set and my lime green skinny skateboard. I think I have a photo...I will look for it.
7. Hardest person to buy for? no one. I always take the time through the year to find just the right present for that particular person.
8. Easiest person to buy for? see #7
9. Do you have a nativity scene? No in fact...but it's something I keep looking into buying each year, but just haven't found the perfect one.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail - ordered them today! :)
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I guess it's not the WORST, but one I just didn't understand. It was a telescope. Never have used's a dust collector on a ledge in my house.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? I have four The Year Without a Santa Clause, Charlie Brown Christmas, Christmas Story, and Elf. I could watch them over and over and over. Without break!
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I usually start in October, but it's just a hear and there thing, I have a new tradition with Treec...we go Black Friday shopping and that denotes the end of Christmas shopping for the year.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? hasn't everyone? But I usually feel guilty about it, not only am I a hoarder, but I am also very sentimental. Hence the reason why the telescope is still on the ledge collecting dust.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? mom's Christmas dinner and Ghirardelli peppermint bark
16. Lights on the tree? yes, multi-colored
17. Favorite Christmas song? The Christmas Song (also know as Chestnuts Roasting on an Open fire)
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Either, I love going to my parents but it's nice to be home too.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? um yep, even Olive! HA HA HA (if you don't get it, just ask)
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? my tree has Mickey Mouse, but of the choice, Star
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas Eve 1 present, which is pj's, Christmas morning the rest
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? not being grateful
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Disney theme
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Ham, mashed tatoes & gravy (or funeral potatoes), rolls, peas, punkin pie,
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? time to enjoy Christmas with my little family, this will be our first time to enjoy Christmas Eve and Christmas morning just us three! I can hardly wait!
now...let me tag Quandry
and Karen
2. Real tree or Artificial? Real without hesitation!
3. When do you put up the tree? I would love to put it up the weekend after Turkey Day, but sometimes it takes longer to get just the right one! It's all about shopping for the perfect tree.
4. When do you take the tree down? Usually the weekend after Christmas or else the weekend after New Years.
5. Do you like eggnog? Yes, in fact I had some today that is called Pumpkin Spice Eggnog...yummo!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? I had chemistry set and my lime green skinny skateboard. I think I have a photo...I will look for it.
7. Hardest person to buy for? no one. I always take the time through the year to find just the right present for that particular person.
8. Easiest person to buy for? see #7
9. Do you have a nativity scene? No in fact...but it's something I keep looking into buying each year, but just haven't found the perfect one.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail - ordered them today! :)
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I guess it's not the WORST, but one I just didn't understand. It was a telescope. Never have used's a dust collector on a ledge in my house.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? I have four The Year Without a Santa Clause, Charlie Brown Christmas, Christmas Story, and Elf. I could watch them over and over and over. Without break!
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I usually start in October, but it's just a hear and there thing, I have a new tradition with Treec...we go Black Friday shopping and that denotes the end of Christmas shopping for the year.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? hasn't everyone? But I usually feel guilty about it, not only am I a hoarder, but I am also very sentimental. Hence the reason why the telescope is still on the ledge collecting dust.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? mom's Christmas dinner and Ghirardelli peppermint bark
16. Lights on the tree? yes, multi-colored
17. Favorite Christmas song? The Christmas Song (also know as Chestnuts Roasting on an Open fire)
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Either, I love going to my parents but it's nice to be home too.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? um yep, even Olive! HA HA HA (if you don't get it, just ask)
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? my tree has Mickey Mouse, but of the choice, Star
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas Eve 1 present, which is pj's, Christmas morning the rest
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? not being grateful
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Disney theme
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Ham, mashed tatoes & gravy (or funeral potatoes), rolls, peas, punkin pie,
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? time to enjoy Christmas with my little family, this will be our first time to enjoy Christmas Eve and Christmas morning just us three! I can hardly wait!
now...let me tag Quandry
and Karen
Monday, November 10, 2008
I almost forgot to tell you...remember awhile back I blogged about a burger place down in American Fork that was nearly as good as In-N-Out Buger??? WELL...for all you SLC people that try your damndest to avoid Utah County, you'll be happy to know (I know I am) that Chadder's has now opened a new location on 5600 West and aprox 2700 South. OH MY is it yummy, and very dangerous for it to be so close in proximity to my home.
My favorite thus far is a Stubby Double add grilled onions, extra sauce, and pickles, fries with a side of burger sauce, and a half and half vanilla and chocolate shake!
Give it a try.
My favorite thus far is a Stubby Double add grilled onions, extra sauce, and pickles, fries with a side of burger sauce, and a half and half vanilla and chocolate shake!
Give it a try.
New Doo & more bad photos of Frosty
If the damn little thing would quit moving around so much I could get a cute photo with my phone. Until we get our internet up and running (which should be tonight-keep your fingers crossed).
Treec and Tristan suprised me with an early b-day present and got me a gift certif to get my hair did! I was so's been since before our Hawaii trip this summer. EEK.
The rain is hear today, and not only is it a rainy day, but it's a monday...and it hasn't even got me down today! WOO HOO...gotta love when things are feeling good in your life!
We found a few more Christmas gifts this weekend, our shopping is nearly done. But looking forward to braving the crazies and the cold on Black Friday again this year! :) I can hardly wait.
Well, better get to work.
Have a great monday...TTFN

Treec and Tristan suprised me with an early b-day present and got me a gift certif to get my hair did! I was so's been since before our Hawaii trip this summer. EEK.
The rain is hear today, and not only is it a rainy day, but it's a monday...and it hasn't even got me down today! WOO HOO...gotta love when things are feeling good in your life!
We found a few more Christmas gifts this weekend, our shopping is nearly done. But looking forward to braving the crazies and the cold on Black Friday again this year! :) I can hardly wait.
Well, better get to work.
Have a great monday...TTFN

Friday, November 7, 2008
Very BAD photos of Frosty...
I promise one of these days my internet at home will be back up and running and I will be able to show you adorable photos that we have taken of this cute little rodent of a dog since he's been in our possession. Topper is patiently dealing with Frosty and his need to bite everything including Topper's ears, nose, and paws. It's been really cute to watch Tristan with him as well, interacting, and taking care of him. I am suprised he hasn't tried to smuggle him in his backpack in the morning to head for school. Shh...I know, don't give him any hints. :)


Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Last night as I sat glue to the television, Tristan looks over at me and says "How is Mr. Obama doing?" I giggled at his little voice with such respect to call him Mr. and I said, "it'll be awhile, but it's looking good", he sat cuddling his new puppy and asks "what does the check mark on the red guy mean?" I say "oh, that means John McCain is predicted to win that state's election". He watched more with eager intent not quit understanding what he is seeing, but still eager to be in the experience. Frustrated he says "Heid, I told you not to say words I don't understand". So I explained what predicted means and he felt satisfied. Later that evening I had to also explain what sensitive means, because Frosty jumped out of his arms to the floor and he felt he had killed the puppy even though Frosty jumped up and ran to the soft carpet with such happiness that he bounced the whole way there. Tristan broke down with tears and I had to explain that I understand he is sensitive, but there is no need to OVER-REACT when the pain he felt he inflicted was completely unevident. He nodded with understanding and we move on with the rest of the evening.
Through out the evening I continued to watch with eager anticipation as more and more states turned either red or blue, Obama's number grew and at 11:00pm BOOM, the new President Elect was announced. I had goose bumps as he spoke, I had tears as the camera panned the crowd and people hugged and kissed and cheered with the excitment that YES WE CAN make a difference, YES WE CAN be one nation, under God. I am filled with pride today to have experienced a great day in American History. And look forward to positive change not only in our economy, but in our health care, and with getting the troops home safe and sound from Iraq so we can move forward in building and strengthening our military to help in a place where there is reason and need for American's to be fighting.
It's a happy day in America. Hooray for Mr. Obama!
Through out the evening I continued to watch with eager anticipation as more and more states turned either red or blue, Obama's number grew and at 11:00pm BOOM, the new President Elect was announced. I had goose bumps as he spoke, I had tears as the camera panned the crowd and people hugged and kissed and cheered with the excitment that YES WE CAN make a difference, YES WE CAN be one nation, under God. I am filled with pride today to have experienced a great day in American History. And look forward to positive change not only in our economy, but in our health care, and with getting the troops home safe and sound from Iraq so we can move forward in building and strengthening our military to help in a place where there is reason and need for American's to be fighting.
It's a happy day in America. Hooray for Mr. Obama!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween Fun
I have to admit least favorite day of the year and I had a good time this year! I will upload photos soon...Thanks to Mer, Summer, and Cam for a great night of trick-or-treating and dinner. We love you guys!
I am really anxious for the big day tomorrow. I am keeping my extremities crossed in all possible places. Here's to CHANGE!!!
We got a new addition to our little family...a small white chihuahua named Frosty. Again, photos as soon as I can.
Just wanted to check in and let you all know things are good and I will update everyone soon!
I am really anxious for the big day tomorrow. I am keeping my extremities crossed in all possible places. Here's to CHANGE!!!
We got a new addition to our little family...a small white chihuahua named Frosty. Again, photos as soon as I can.
Just wanted to check in and let you all know things are good and I will update everyone soon!
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