Friday, February 27, 2009

My List

So my good friend started a Top 10 list of sexy men and women and it looked I think I will take this opportunity to have some fun and publish my "List". You know, the list of people (totally untouchable) that if given the opportunity you would sleep with and it doesn't count against you as cheating. :) Here would be my list...
#10 Gina "Crush" Carano - American Gladiator:Yeah, I wouldn't mind some of that!

#9 Julie Roberts - Actress: Glamour, beautiful, sophistication, and adorable laugh all rolled into one sexy woman!

#8 Britney Spears - Singer: Come could I not pick such a sexy little thing? She's kindof a dirty little thing, but then again this is just for a night of sex right! :)

#7 Michelle Pfiffer - Actress: This is to serve my "Mormon Mom" attraction, I know, I know she's likely far from being Mormon, but she's totally a "MILF". In 1982 as I sat and watched Grease 2, my fantasy was to be Michael Carrington so Stephanie Zinone would want me! :)
#6 Drew Barrymore - Actress: Not only do I think she is utterly adorable, but she is quirky, and fun, and sexy, and she's got that stalker quality that can be fun and flattering for a minute!
#5 Pink - Singer/Songwriter: I am certain this firecracker has to much for me to handle...but it would be fun to try! :)
#4 Clea Duvall - Actress: I HAVE NO IDEA! Just plain sexy, laid back, I can totally see myself in awe of this woman. I want to meet for coffee and conversation, then we'll see where it goes. I think it might be her freckles.
#3 Mary Stuart Masterson - Actress: It all started when she responded to a comment about not judging a book by it's cover and she says "no, but you can tell how much it's goign to cost", as she played tom-boy goes boy crazy as Watts in Some Kind of Wonderful, my favorite movie of all time, and then moved into movies like Fried Green Tomatoes and Bad Girls! She has a way about her that makes me want to hold her and keep her safe, yet she is sexy, self assured, and has a spunk about her that would make you think twice about messin with her. And that NECK! YOWSA!

#2 Brad Pitt - Actor: And the only man on my list. If there is a hotter man on the earth, I don't believe it! YUUUUMMMMOOOOO No explanation necessary.

AND LAST...but certainly not #1 Jennifer Aniston - Actress: Beauty, poise, and grace all wrapped up into a pretty package with a big red bow! Ooooh la-la.

Thanks for joining in on the fun! Hope you enjoyed...TTFN

Monday, February 23, 2009

Vegas Baby

2nd to last cocktail of the trip...we went to dinner after we got back into Salt Lake and had one more for the road. This is Krista, Nate, Adrien, Colby, & Treec in the bar in the Vegas airport.

A shot of the room towers of the MGM Grand where we stayed this weekend. It was the best weather this past weekend...The lights at night glow green into your's so awesome. This is the biggest single building Casino in Vegas.

The big gold lion on the strip

View from the Tropicana across the street from the MGM. We went there on our last day, played $5.00 black jack tables (FINALLY), Treec bought some sun glasses from a little stand on the corner and I bought a poker set. YES, that means poker parties at Heidi's house! WOO HOO

My beautiful fishin buddy drinking her strawberry Fat Tuesday slushy. Can you say, slushy with a KICK in the ASS! This was a frequented location on our weekend excursion. :) BY ALL!

Colby with his make shift diva cig holder (it's a straw). Rick behind him with the "I heart hot mom's" shirt. I concur! :)

Us hangin at the "patio" at Ceasar's Palace outside the forum shops. We had ridden the Monorail from the MGM to go to Fat Tuesday's at Ceasar's, by this point all of our feet hurt so bad, we found a patio with tables and chairs and karaoked to the music over the loud speaker. I KNOW we sounded GOOD! I am certain we could have found a karaoke bar, but who needs a bunch of other people taking away our thunder! :)

Colby with his Fat Tuesday and cig being oh so glamorous!

Now this is at the Flamingo...there is also a section in Ceasar's called the Pussy Cat Casino where women are a little more dressed, but not much, but they are singled out in cages...I found this far more distracting.

How is a girl supposed to pay attention to her cards when she has these two lovely's dancing on her poker table. Aayyyaayyyaaah!

Heidi getting the once over by "Red" at the M&M store. Also holding a pre-made cocktail from the room with a little bit of Diet Hansen's Natural Root Beer and a lot o bit of Vodka. Vodka...drink of choice this weekend...We polished off two very LARGE bottles of said drink! YUMMMO!

This is the birthday girl Mel, me, and Treec at a fountain in the middle of our hotel. There were like 8 halls off this rotunda and if you got a little on the tipsy side, it was a gamble which hall would lead you in which direction. What a blast! Starbucks one way, poker tables one way, rooms one way, Krista in fact ended up sitting with a cocktail, knocking on room 128's door, but three floors below our floor. HA HA...

This is the view from our room. Like I said up there...the green lights were so cool at night. We had an amazing room with a jetted tub, a king size amazingly comfortable bed, two large windows with a view and all at the low low price of $500 a night! NOT...that is what it should have cost, but our birthday girl friend Mel got us a kick as rate of $109.00 WOOOOOO HOOOOO MEL! Thanks for having a 30th b-day so we could have such a great weekend.

This is the show we all went to. What a fun fun show. A couple of sexy parts, girls diving topless into a martini glass and swimming around together...a sexy school girl spinning hula-hoops while doing acrobatics on a rope hanging from the ceiling...a couple of comedy acts, and then a large orgy at the end where our friend Mel got pulled up onto stage and fondled by the cast. The guy comes down and starts pointing back and forth at me and her and I am not kidding when I say, if he would have picked me you can bet your bottom dollar I would have pushed her up anyway. No way in hell would I have gone up on stage...well, maybe if the school girl would have come grabbed me! Wink Wink. We got a picture of us all at the show, I will put it on here when I get the copy from Krista...and Mel got a photo up on stage, I will put that up on here too! :)

This was our first meal in Vegas. We couldn't check into our rooms just yet, so as we were walking out of the hotel, I threw $1 into a machine and won $30, we checked our luggage with the bell hop and walked down the strip to the La Salsa Cantina and had cocktails & breakfast burritos. This was the beginning of a fun weekend where we gambled, won and lost, but pretty much broke even...had loads to eat and drink, had great company, and had some AMAZING fun!

Can't wait to go back!


Thursday, February 19, 2009


That is a word that has a few meanings...
1-the greatest season of the year. It's warm, and makes me feel good, brings joy to my heart and soul.

2-one of the greatest friends. She's warm, and makes me feel good, she brings joy to my heart and soul.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUMMER! I hope it is a great one!

We'll make it up to you that we can't be with you today or this weekend. Not like we could go to a strip club and get drunk and rowdy for the big 3-2 anyway. :)

After you deliver...maybe then! :) HA HA

Love ya,


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


"What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence."
- Samuel Johnson

What I learned today...The harder I try, the more I put forth effort, the more diligent I am; ease, patience with myself, and payoff are finding their way onto my life path.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Today's horoscope...INTERESTING!

"Go with the flow today instead of trying to influence the world around you. Lack of confidence, or opposition to your plans, could make you say - or do - something that you might regret. If you accept things as they are instead of wishing for the Moon, you will overcome resistance and achieve your goal much faster. Events today could also make you change your outlook - and your plans."

What I learned today...if you shoot for the moon, instead of the rooftops, you may fall short and land in the outhouse. Keeping my goals attainable will help string together moments of happiness into complete happiness instead of moments of sadness sending me further into a dark hole.


Monday, February 16, 2009

What I learned today...

OCD can overtake ones mind and soul...and damnit I might just have to fight for mine back. I must come to grips with allowing things to just be. The future is unwritten, I must allow it to be so!

Where is this coming from, you might ask?

I have already started to pack for our little weekend trip to Vegas. Yes, it's monday, and I have already started to stack the clothes I want to take, while organizing the laundry into stacks I must wash prior to my trip. I have planned which bag I am taking to accomidate the clothes planned to take. And I have already made a list of things I must buy at the store for the trip and for when I return from the trip so that all will be in order when I return home on sunday.


I swear...

Last weekend was a quicky. I went to "poker night" on friday night with a group of about 13 peeps. Some i'd never met, some I had but didn't really know. What a blast. We had three tournaments throughout the night, I placed in all three. First, 2nd, and 3rd. I came out ahead $30.00 for the whole night! Love it when I win! Friday night I reaffirmed that I can become easily addicted. I get enticed by something or someone that intoxicates me and I want more and more. Gambling is very definatly one of my vices. I am certain they have 12 step programs for that addiction too, but then I would have to I think I will just attempt to control it on my own for now. :) Then saturday and sunday I had to I guess the old saying rest for the wicked! :)

Patrice and I are headed to Vegas this weekend for my friend Mel's birthday and I am really looking forward to not only a get away but a chance to be a big WINNER (Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!). WOO HOO. We are also going to be naughty and go see the show Zu*manity. We will take lots of photos of the weekend and i'll post next week.

My good friend Summer Bumber is having a birthday this week and we are sad that we are going to miss out on spending time with her on the big day, but plan to make it up to her in the near future! :)

I have started a new hobby. I was getting so overworked that when I came home at night all I wanted to do was veg out on the couch. I was always taught that "being aidle is of the Devil" so I opted to find an outlet. Add my vice gambling, to collecting and what do you get? Collecting trading cards, ie. baseball, football, etc, from hobby shops and then selling the valuable ones on E*bay. What a blast! I've made some money, peaked an interst in something new, and found an outlet for my energy that I was wasting getting fatter and fatter on the couch. It's been fun! :)

Well, I guess that is it for today...oh, one last's a shout out to Katherine...keep your head up girl and work hard on getting better! Sending positive thoughts your way! :)


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wow...a month

So it's been a month since I wrote my last blog. Obviously I haven't had much to say, and really I don't now either...Honestly I haven't really even had time or energy or emotion to read the other blogs I stalk. It's been a roller coaster of a time...and I expect things are going to be scarey, and nerve racking, and emotional, and jaring, and possibly even make me want to throw up and not really in a good way like roller coasters usually make me feel.

I can say this though, I am looking forward to poker night tomorrow night. Just wishin my friend would have gone with me. :(

Reaching out, putting my emotions and trust on the line can be gut wrenching at times.

Birthday 40 is this year...I went to the doc for the big 4-0, 2 hour wellness visit/check up...BLECK...test results to come...soon I hope!

I am just down, hope to find some strengh to stand up tall soon. Getting very tired.

I hope to have a better outlook soon...until then TTFN.