#10 Gina "Crush" Carano - American Gladiator:Yeah, I wouldn't mind some of that!

#9 Julie Roberts - Actress: Glamour, beautiful, sophistication, and adorable laugh all rolled into one sexy woman!

#8 Britney Spears - Singer: Come on...how could I not pick such a sexy little thing? She's kindof a dirty little thing, but then again this is just for a night of sex right! :)

#7 Michelle Pfiffer - Actress: This is to serve my "Mormon Mom" attraction, I know, I know she's likely far from being Mormon, but she's totally a "MILF". In 1982 as I sat and watched Grease 2, my fantasy was to be Michael Carrington so Stephanie Zinone would want me! :)

#6 Drew Barrymore - Actress: Not only do I think she is utterly adorable, but she is quirky, and fun, and sexy, and she's got that stalker quality that can be fun and flattering for a minute!

#5 Pink - Singer/Songwriter: I am certain this firecracker has to much for me to handle...but it would be fun to try! :)

#4 Clea Duvall - Actress: I HAVE NO IDEA! Just plain sexy, laid back, I can totally see myself in awe of this woman. I want to meet for coffee and conversation, then we'll see where it goes. I think it might be her freckles.

#3 Mary Stuart Masterson - Actress: It all started when she responded to a comment about not judging a book by it's cover and she says "no, but you can tell how much it's goign to cost", as she played tom-boy goes boy crazy as Watts in Some Kind of Wonderful, my favorite movie of all time, and then moved into movies like Fried Green Tomatoes and Bad Girls! She has a way about her that makes me want to hold her and keep her safe, yet she is sexy, self assured, and has a spunk about her that would make you think twice about messin with her. And that NECK! YOWSA!

#2 Brad Pitt - Actor: And the only man on my list. If there is a hotter man on the earth, I don't believe it! YUUUUMMMMOOOOO No explanation necessary.

AND LAST...but certainly not least...my #1 Jennifer Aniston - Actress: Beauty, poise, and grace all wrapped up into a pretty package with a big red bow! Ooooh la-la.

Thanks for joining in on the fun! Hope you enjoyed...TTFN
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