Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wow...a month

So it's been a month since I wrote my last blog. Obviously I haven't had much to say, and really I don't now either...Honestly I haven't really even had time or energy or emotion to read the other blogs I stalk. It's been a roller coaster of a time...and I expect things are going to be scarey, and nerve racking, and emotional, and jaring, and possibly even make me want to throw up and not really in a good way like roller coasters usually make me feel.

I can say this though, I am looking forward to poker night tomorrow night. Just wishin my friend would have gone with me. :(

Reaching out, putting my emotions and trust on the line can be gut wrenching at times.

Birthday 40 is this year...I went to the doc for the big 4-0, 2 hour wellness visit/check up...BLECK...test results to come...soon I hope!

I am just down, hope to find some strengh to stand up tall soon. Getting very tired.

I hope to have a better outlook soon...until then TTFN.


Merr said...

Dude what's going on with you?? You are not your normal chipper self!

Ky said...

Love you Heids. Let's get together soon, K? I'm back on Feb anytime after that.