For my birthday, Patrice and Tristan bought me a gift certificate to get a pedicure. I have never had a pedicure before, so I was a little hesitant to go, but Patrice and Tristan both said they would do it with me...we picked up Patrice's mom, who never does anything like this and we all went to get our pedi! The girls thought Trist was so adorable that he wanted his feet massaged, and then when he picked green and red polish and a snowman for his big toe, the Chinese started a flowing. I am not sure what exactly they said, but with the smiles and the looking back and forth at Tristan and each other, I know they were thinking he was so cute and they worked extra hard to make his experience great. I think it was great for him, but kinda lame for me cause they were more into how cute he was then paying attention to massaging my feet and making my toes look pretty. HA HA HA. Just are a few photos of our experience and the finished product. Guess whose toes are whose!
Oh yeah, and we decorated Tree and Tristan's living room for Christmas...they have a fake tree (bleck) so we decorated now for them and we'll decorate my house with a real tree when we get home next weekend.
Have a great few days...I may not be back until after our trip so if not, have a great week and I will fill you in on Cali and Disneyland when we get back!
TTFN (Ta Ta For Now-circa Tiger from Whinnie -the- Pooh in case some of you didn't know)
You guys all have the best looking toes. Without the pedi I mean. blog a picture of my toes. NO WAY !!
That was really a sweet gift.
Have a BLAST in Disneyland. It's all about the kids...but I know that you secretly LOVE that place so I'm sure you will have a FANTASTIC time yourself.
When you get home...we will have a play date on a hill :)
If the snow has melted....bring a block of ice baby.
Have a fun and safe trip!! See ya when you get back!
Ohh I miss you guys already!! What do you mean fake tree blek!! Geez makes me feel a bit inadequate!!
Hope you have an awesome time!!
I like KJ's idea bout the block of ice, reminds me of young womens as a kid!!
Wow.. Check out all of those beautiful toes.. How fun! Glad you enjoyed your birthday..
I'm jealous you are going to Disneyland for the millionth and one time.. hahah Happy for you and hope you are enjoying your time! (sure you are)
I'm up for a block of ice!!! Woo Hoo!
What a great trip - except for the fall of course! I'm glad you are recovering & I can't wait to see you!
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