When I got laid off from my corporate job last Jan I also lost my health insurance and so since my expensive Cobra went away I have been paying a ghastly amount of money to have insurance that doesn't have prescription co-pays and I have been trying to figure out how I am going to pay $400 a month for my insulin alone, not to include syringes, test strips, doctor visits for my diabetes alone. Then there is my sleep apnea and my way over due need for new masks and hoses for my machine. Does anyone want to commit insurance fraud and get me these things at your co-pay? Did I just say that on a public forum...yep! Normally I am quit the honest little one, but man could our country use GOOD public affordable health care! With over 45million uninsured American's you would think someone would take notice and help! I guess I would like to ask Hillary Clinton exactly what does "Universal Health Care" mean? Would it help people like me?
Anyway, tangent, the reason I brought this up is I have been thinking of looking for a new job. Honestly for the sole purpose of having health insurance as I don't have health insurance through my current job. I LOVE MY JOB...I mean, as job's go that is, but I really enjoy it, I enjoy the people I work with, and what I do is amazing. Searching for a new job makes me kinda nauseous! We'll see what comes as the days progress.
A few weekends ago Patrice and I went to see Suzanne Westenhoffer

Last weekend was Tristan's weekend with the Ex. He goes one weekend a month with her as well as two nights a week. I can't say that schedule is the best one for all involved, but it is what it is right now and so I will try to keep my opinions to myself and just accept it for what it is. But I wanted to try to keep Patrice's mind off him not being with us so I decided to surprise her with an all night gambling adventure in Wendover. (For those of you that don't live in Utah...we can't gamble here, so we have to take either a 2 hour drive to the border of Utah and Nevada West which is Wendover or take a 5 hour drive to the border of Utah and Nevada Southish and go to Mesquite. Mesquite is more like a mini Vegas vs Wendover being like a mini armpit of the world Reno. Ha Ha. ) So I had to work friday night at the cd store, and got off at 9:30pm...told Treec to be ready to go and I picked her up and we headed out. We got to Wendover at about midnight Utah time (11 Nevada time) and went to the Peppermill to start our night of gambling. I found a penny slot machine that I started hitting big on and in about 5 hours we had gambled (winning and losing) and had over $160 of the $200 that we started with. We went back to the hotel for a little sleep eye at about 6:00am. Check out was 11:00 so we drug our not so 21 anymore butts out of bed and went to breakfast before our 2 hour drive back home. I had planned on sleeping the day away when we got home but Treec had different plans, so we went to Costco for the next 3 or so hours which mind you I always love to shop so it wasn't a bad plan! :) We went to her Grandma's for dinner and watched 3:10 to Yuma (which I promptly slept through) and then home to get a good night sleep before Tristan came home sunday afternoon. We had a lot of fun though...and reminded me that I am defiantly not even close to 21 and can stay up all night anymore!
So I have been watching the L-Word...I am not really sure how I feel about this season. It's kinda buggin. I have read a few of Karen's comments about her favs and I am happy to say different strokes for different folks. I very easily could be pretentious Bette's friend, I can't stand Jody, she is so obnoxiously bleck to me. Tina is slowly creeping back into being a fav again. I love that they are talking about doing the breast cancer walk and finally talked about Dana again. I so miss her...I love Alice, not really sure about her and Tasha being together but love Alice's devotion, she's someone I could totally hang with! When did Jenny become such a BEEYOTCH I mean, she's always been a bit of a freak, but come on, they totally ruined that story line which had the potential of being good! And then there is Shane. Some of you may be saying to yourself, come on, there is no one out there like that! They are few and far between but I happen to know someone who would like to think she is as "Shane" as she thinks she is. But she's pretty damn close. I just hope they can someday let her have some peace...Can Kit catch a break? I am kinda excited to see how she handles being robbed at gun point. My story isn't as dramatic, it was only knife point, but it's not an experience I would ever like to have happen again and still sometimes gets me right in the pit of my tummy when it's dark outside and I have no customers in the store. Kinda got the shivers just typing this.
Thought I would start posting new (or old) artists or movies that I feel noteworthy, thought it would help some of you musically challenged to have a bit of my favorite culture.
So the noteworthy artist's of this blog are Emerson Hart:Cigarettes and Gasoline

& Colbie Caillat:Coco

And my DVD pick for this blog is (and some say I have my own taste when it comes to movies) in the dawn of Heath Ledger's death :Monster Ball

Hope you have a great night...until next blog TTFN.