I found out today that my dad had to go in for heart surgery. It was supposed to be an outpatient thing, but they decided to keep him overnight just to make sure things are okay. He has had a heart murmur for like 20 years, he wasn't getting enough oxygen in his blood so his heart was working overtime. The doc said that he was the perfect candidate for this particular surgery, and in fact his heart rate and blood pressure are now better then it's been for years and years. So it's looking good. But it's not fun to see my dad laying in a hospital bed hooked up to all those heart monitors.
Labor day weekend was also Treec's 35th birthday. I planned a camping trip up to Fish Lake. It was a really great weekend. Two of her co-workers ended up coming up for one of the nights and days. We went out fishing one afternoon in a pontoon boat, and then the next morning we took out an old aluminum boat for a few hours. We found a school of Perch that we had a blast for about an hour just putting our line in the water and pulling them out. We also caught just enough rainbow trout to eat for a few of the meals. It rained a bit and the wind blew, we even had to turn the heater on in the trailer, but all in all it was a great weekend. I will leave you with a few of photos from the weekend.
I will update you more as I get more info about the new job, about my Dad's health, and about life in general.

Happy Birthday! What a great way to have a birthday. To bad I'm not gutsy enough to fish and camp in the winter or I'd be preparing for my next birthday. I love the cake picture - it's priceless. Can't wait to hear more updates. Have a great week.
Happy Birthday Patrice.
Glad you had fun.
Hope your dad is fine !
Sorry to hear about your dad. I hope all goes well!
The weekend looked fun. Soooo very sorry we missed out. Hopefully we can make it next year. Sum had better be better by then! LOL!
Cute pictures of the fam...good luck with the job and your dad. Have you seen the movie "Big Fish"? If not, you should. It's such a great movie about dads.
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