Monday, November 10, 2008

New Doo & more bad photos of Frosty

If the damn little thing would quit moving around so much I could get a cute photo with my phone. Until we get our internet up and running (which should be tonight-keep your fingers crossed).

Treec and Tristan suprised me with an early b-day present and got me a gift certif to get my hair did! I was so's been since before our Hawaii trip this summer. EEK.

The rain is hear today, and not only is it a rainy day, but it's a monday...and it hasn't even got me down today! WOO HOO...gotta love when things are feeling good in your life!

We found a few more Christmas gifts this weekend, our shopping is nearly done. But looking forward to braving the crazies and the cold on Black Friday again this year! :) I can hardly wait.

Well, better get to work.

Have a great monday...TTFN


Merr said...

Great hair Heids!
That dog is the dang cutest thing ever. Trist looks so cute holding him.

K J and the kids said...

Love the hair. What a great present.

TooeleTwins said...

The hairdo is quite cute!

Heidi said...

Thanks always feels great to have the ego stroked a bit! :)