I got tagged by Ky, at least I think I was tagged :) Ha Ha Here are the answers. I don't get how to do the links or the tags, soooo whoever wants to do it, go for it! And if you do, decide to do it...add one of your questions at the bottom.
1)What do you do for a living? I work for DHL Global Forwarding at the Air Import Manager, I also have a part time job in a retail video game store…and when I have opportunity I volunteer at being a partner, step mom, and friend!
2) What is your biggest fear? I don’t know that it’s my biggest, but I fear that my “being” will lack any meaning. I hope I can look back on my life and find that I was even a smile on one persons face.
3) Do you nap a lot? I like to nap when I can, but usually don’t have that luxury.
4) Who is the last person you hugged? My fishin’ buddy
5) What websites do you visit when you go online? Old Navy, Facebook, Blogs, and work related sites.
6) What was the last item you bought? clothes
7) You are on the Oregon Trail, how are things going? If I am on the Oregon Trail right now, I am pissed…because likely I am in a dress or skirt of some sort, as the women folk had to dress in such garb. And it’s probably cold, and it’s not like those covered wagons had heaters. But knowing me, that is only on the inside, and I am singing, cheering others up, and putting my shoulder to the wheel and pressing on…pressing on!
8) If you woke up tomorrow and were a boy, what is the first thing you would do and why? If you asked me this when I was 10-12 and dreaming of this on a daily basis, I would be asking my first girl crush to check yes or no if she “liked me” in a note. Now a days, I would be standing up peeing! HA HA HA and praising Jesus that I am never going to have a menstrual cycle again! HAAAALLLLEEEELLLLUUUUIIIIAAAAHHHHH
9) Has a celebrity's hair cut ever influenced your own hairstyle? Uh, no okay, maybe Zac Efron with the beachy shaggy bangs covering the face look
10) What is your most embarrassing moment? I honestly don’t have one, I mean I am sure I have been embarrassed before, but nothing that stands out as the most embarrassing moment. I guess I just let things go to fast.
11) What was the last movie you watched? Blindness…great cast, interesting concept, not my favorite movie of the year however.
12) If you had a whole day to yourself with no work, commitments, or interruptions what would you do? Sleep in, take Topper for a walk (‘cause it’s warm right?), watch tv, and then cook dinner and dessert for my little family.
13) Do you like scary movies? NOT so much, but if it’s light out, I am willing to watch them with someone who might be a scary movie lover, but it must be light outside when the movie get’s over.
14) What would you want your last meal to be? Oh, that is sooooo hard for me. Mom’s ham, mashed potatoes with country gravy, blueberry muffins, peas, double double animal style & fries from in-n-out, a big-mac, DIET COKE from Wendy’s with a lemon, and a piece of my mom’s cheesecake with blueberry topping, and a peanut butter bar from my elementary school lunch. I would be full, but very very happy!
15) My question...If you could spend a day with one person (dead or alive) who would it be, and why? Abraham Lincoln. I would love to hear his thoughts on the world today.