So this week...these are the happenings.
1-My nephew had a t-shirt made for Grandma that says "Cancer ain't got shit on me!" and then on the back it's a scoreboard that says Grandma 4 Cancer 0 GO G-MA!. Yes my mom is a good little Mormon lady, but It's the cutest darn shirt...we'll have to update the 4 to 5 though. Yep you guessed it...she's got it again. This time it's shown up in her sternum. She went in today to be tatoo'd for her radiation treatments. She's staying positive, and wants to get it done so "our trip wont be screwed with" as she put it. I am going out to Sacramento on Columbus Day weekend and then she will be driving back with'll just be her and me. I am really looking forward to it!
2-My dad came home from the hospital after his heart surgery with the heart of a 30 year old. But his lungs after so many years of unoxygenated blood have shrunk and now he's having trouble breathing. So they are working on medication levels and breathing treatments to get the rest of his body back to "normal". I went and hung out with him the other day and we ended up talking about how I am in charge of "splitting up his money" (didn't know he had any) when he dies. What a huge responsibility. EEK
3-Last friday was my last day at work. I got laid off again! But like I said, I had had a hunch, so thankfully the job that I was hoping for, the background check and drug test came back with a green light and I got hired! YEAH. That means INSURANCE! WOO HOO! That is a happy happy thought for a diabetic. Also the job comes with a 401k and pension plan. I will be starting monday! Oh, and although it's a 9-5er I can still wear my shorts. YEAH.
4-I finally had my root canal of the past couple of months finished this week. So glad that is over!
5-Topper (my adorable little baby) has had some problems with his anal glands the past 6 months or so. It was getting to the point that I had to take him into the vet every two weeks to get them expressed. Although gross & expensive, it helped relieve his pain and suffering. The doctor finally told me about a removal surgery that Topper would be a good candidate for. He is only 4 and with this many problems, "let's just take them out so he can go on with his life and not have all these problems". So I took him in yesterday to do it. POOOR little guy. He is having so much trouble, he's in so much pain, and all I can try to do is just hope the next few days go fast for him so he heals up fast. He can't poop without crying, and when he starts it hurts so bad he goes running into the house for some relief and little pooplets drop all over. Again, I know, gross, but I follow along and just clean up his mess, just like I would do if it was my own child doing the same thing. I am keeping him on his pain meds to help eleviate the issue and I think I might try to give him an enema tonight to help relieve his bowels. I will be doing some deep carpet/couch cleaning this weekend and again just can't wait until his little bumb starts to feel better.
6-I went to lunch with an old friend this week. It was good to see her, I feared after the "falling out" we had that there would be more silence then there was. The apololgy came with sincerity it seemed, but I am not sure that my forgiveness came across as I truely meant it. There were some ugly things that happened, some of which I am not ever sure I can ever forget. Some new information that was given that brought some disappointment and some other information that brought sadness to my heart. I love this person with a part of my heart that hurts in her absence. I told her that I don't have a crystal ball and I can't know what the future will hold. And I mean that...sometimes I wish I could predict the future. My gut tells me to stay cautious, so I will for now, but I don't want to caution myself out of a continued friendship with someone that means so much to me. So risk will have to be a part of my experience with her. I just hope that my love will not be in vain. I will continue to hope that I can be a better friend then I have been in the past and hope she knows that even with the pain that she inflicted...I am willing to continue to try.
I think that is it for catch ups...Treec, Tristan, and I went to the Fair with some great friends last weekend. I will put some photos up one of these days. I need to get the camera from Tree.
Tristan is testing for his Orange Belt in Karate this saturday. I am really proud of him and how hard he is practicing to get the moves down. We have been working on his reading and sight words every night too and he is doing really good with those too! I am really proud of him.
Guess I should get going for's to another week almost over! TTFN
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I'm so super sorry about your mom.
I can't imagine it and yet she's such a trooper. Hell she's done it 4 times, why not beat the shit out of it 5 times.
I hope your dad gets better.
You have had the week.
Glad you got the new job with insurance. Saw the pictures. very cute.
You have a great attitude coming out of this week. Poor Topper, I hate when my animals are hurting. Congrats on the new job and very positive thoughts coming your way for your parents recoveries. I am a Karate mom too. Good luck to Tristan on his belt test!
Good grief!
All I can say is that I'm sending hugs to you and your family - including the dog.
It's nice to see you've posted again. Sometimes it feels like some fall off the blogging horse and then when it's least expected they are back on the horse. I am sorry to hear about your mom, she's obviously an amazing lady and one hell of a fighter and with daughters like you who would give up the fight. I wish her the best of luck and will keep you all in my prayers.
I am grateful your dad is back into the swing of things. Isn't modern medicine sometimes overwhelming. But it's also a blessing. And he has much faith in you to ask you to take care of things when his time comes. Yes it's a huge responsibility - but you should so be so proud of yourself also.
Congrats on the new job, off with the old in with the new. And as far as the 9-5, I'll trade you for my 8-6 that didn't have benefits til I threw a tantrum and now they are in the works.
I hate the dentist so bad, and need to have a root canal but I haven't done it yet - maybe I should follow your brave foot steps and just get it done, but I heard they hurt like hell..
I am so sorry Topper is in such pain. How hard it must be on him and on you. I can't imagine what an enema for a dog entales but the fact that you are willing to go there is a true testament of your amazing character.
Although I do not know the situation with your friend, having lunch itself is a step in the right direction and I'm sure you mean very much to her as she obviously does to you. It's ok to have fear, but being lead by fear can be just as scary. I wish you both the best of luck and hope that your thoughts are not in vain because you both deserve to be happy and be happy as friends.
Congrats to Tristan on his Orange Belt. He must've been so nervous and so excited. Kids are what make this world go around. Even the furry kids. Have a great week sunshine..
Hey girl, J and I will put out positive thoughts for your Mom's battle and that she pulls through again. So sorry...
Sorry to hear about your job being laid off but it sounds like you got the better end of the result with the new job.
We love your blog and honesty. Take care, S&J
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