Monday, October 6, 2008

Marinating with these quotes

"The great majority of us are required to live a life of constant duplicity. Your health is bound to be affected if, day after day, you say the opposite of what you feel, if you grovel before what you dislike, and rejoice at what brings you nothing but misfortune." ~Boris Pasternak

Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. ~David Frost

I pride myself in the fact that I am passionate, honest, and full of integrity and I also have a deep belief that people are inately good. Being this kind of person I have found sorrow in that others just don't hold onto those same values. So reading these quotes made me really stop and think. Thinking about the people out there that do in fact work so hard at success but yet still fail. I wish them the strength to find that belief system that is a part of their foundation and build from there. Start anew, knowing things are always as they should be, a lesson to grow from, and a beginning to something greater.

I have been very busy and very full of emotion the past 3 weeks. I have thought to write it all down but just haven't taken the time or the energy it takes to do so.

My mom's cancer battle is just about over. I am really looking forward to some time with her this weekend, to take some time to worry about her and only her, to take care of her, if only for a moment. To be a little bit more like her and worry about someone else and their needs. Something she does consistantly on a daily's never poor me! What a role model! I am a little on the nervous side because I have a cold that just wont start so that it can actually end. With her immune system being so wrecked because of her treatments, me being around her could really cause some problems. Please (if your a prayer) pray for her and me that I can get better and she will not be afflicted by my cold.

Our home life seems to be on perpetual hold. The house plans are mostly finished, the contractor has given us a $$ amount, and now we are playing the loan waiting game. There are days that I am so frustrated that we don't live together as a family, but yet, I KNOW in my heart and head that things happen for reasons and we are here today for one of those reasons. It's just getting through today to find out what tomorrow will bring.

With the economy the way it is, and with people in the world raising mass amounts of money to promote makes me wish I had all the money in the world and then some, so I could fix all that is broken. That, in and of itself, makes me chuckle to myself...because even though I don't have all the money in the world, I still try my damndest in that fixit role!

I have been getting a little more political thanks to Keri these days. I have a lot of respect for her, she daily is out there fighting for my rights and the rights of many others while I sit back and enjoy the benefits that may unfold. It's a bit like enjoying the freedoms that the US Military fights for on a daily basis, so that I can live the life I choose to live. I have taken the time to actually listen to the media (taking it with a grain of salt of course), watching the candidates, listening to their points of view watching their reactions and actions through the good times and bad. It's been educational to say the least, and a bit entertaining as well. I thank those of you out there that blog about politics, your opinions, your beliefs. It's nice to be able to take them in and find if they fit in my own way of thinking. It's like a little puzzle, someone might say something that fits right into my way of thinking and helps complete the puzzle, but then someone else will say something that doesn't fit and so I just toss it out and don't bother getting it all mixed up in the stuff that I haven't puzzled together yet. I do know however this is a time in my life that even if I feel my voice doesn't matter here in this big RED state of Utah, I will VOTE and let my voice be heard. Someone said something on NPR yesterday that made me really think...(i'm paraphrasing) if you always vote straight party all the way, even if you don't agree with something one of your candidates stands for, why would they ever try to make changes for you...they know they have your vote no matter what. Just something to think about as you are studying up on the candidates and their stances on things.

Well, I leave you tonight with a hope, a hope that your next breath will give you the strength to overcome even the slightest irritation in your lives, the hope that all your wants, needs, passions, and beliefs will give you strength to smile knowing today is the only day that you can call today, if it was bad, it's over soon, if it was great, it'll be a memory that will last a lifetime, and if it was just okay, make tomorrow that much better! :)



Anonymous said...

You are a very passionate person, and I admire that very much. I have never been into politics until this year. I've watched and read about everything I can get my hands on - it's not really even about the candidates for me at this point, I'm looking at more of which party is going to get us out of the slup and is more honest in where we will be in 8 years, possibly. This years vote is definately for my little girl, more than for myself.

I am so sorry about your mom Heidi. I lost someone in my family almost a year ago. And the suffering was more immense than I can imagine. It's so hard to let go when there seems so much to hold onto. As a reader of my blog you know that I am a prayer - and I will keep you and your mom in my prayers and often. You are a strong woman, and I'm sure your whole family is very proud.

And to add on top of it all the waiting game for the loan processes suck - especially in today economy. I can't wait for the vote in November. It's the unknown that I think has the economic world moving at a turtle's pace. Good luck and hang in there..


Anonymous said...

Great post, Heidi. I especially appreciate the part about straight party voting. It's so important to know all sides - all facts.
Good for you for getting involved and teaching others to do the same.
Big hug!

K J and the kids said...

I'm just scared. I really am just scared for this election.
I was scared when GW ran and my fears became a reality when he was voted in and has been the WORST president EVER.
This time around I feel we have more at stake. Maybe I'm just getting older.

Merr said...

Well there you are! I know you are busy, but you need to blog more. I hope you feel better before you get your mom. If not maybe Sum could bring you home some masks from her work.