Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Update...and then maybe a lil softball goo!

Alrighty then, so to give an update...I guess it wasn't a SWAT team (come on i'm in Utah...gossip is big here right!), it was just a few cops. West Valley's finest, at it's best sit and wait for something to "really" happen before they take initiative to intervene therefore after a few hours of sitting on their asses they left...yep you heard me, they left...so Aunt and daughter went into the house to find out if Uncle had ended up shooting himself to find him passed out. He had taken enough pills and whatever else to get a good old overdose goin on, so they called 911 and last I heard he is in Pioneer Hospital. Which if you have ever been there is almost putting yourself one foot in the grave anyway...sorry not a fan of Pioneer!

Talk about Jerry Springer type events...and this is just the sprinkles on the whip cream of what has been happening in that family. I wont even bother with all the other details.

My girl is doing fine, worried about her Grandma who lives across the street...but all in all, just another day in the life.

Tonight was the first game of our women's fall softball league. Started with a cluster...2 players short, one of which is one of my better outfielders. I am not really sure why I continue running this damn team...guess it's the love of the game that does it to me. Ended up losing, but not a bad lose, if that makes sense to anyone! Sometimes you play so bad that you beat yourselves, others, you work your ass off and are proud of the game even if you lose. That was tonight. Looks like we are going to have a pretty solid team, it'll just take a few weeks to get the softball goo going, so we are all gelled together and playing like we know what the hell we are doing.

Let's see if I can post a photo...and then I will head off to bed...oh and I wanted to say thanks to Ky for putting such a flattering photo of me on her blog...but really her comments made me tear up a bit, she is one of the best friends I could have ever hoped for and I am blessed to be in her and Beck and the kids lives! Love you guys...

TTFNTristan and T0pper / Tree-c and Me


Ky said...

Ok, so why is it that everyone I have shown - including myself thinks that picture of you is totally cute?I think majority rules here.

Glad things are calmer with the SWAT incident.

Can't wait to come watch a fall game!

Kim aka Mommy said...

I hope things turn around for him and the family and of course grandma.

Thanks for the update and sharing the pics.

K J and the kids said...

I hope the drama levels LEVEL off for Patrice and her family.
Really great photos. I love the star struck look in your eyes :)

Merr said...

Love the pics! You guys are so cute!
Thanks for the update on the incident.
Hey I bet Sum would play on your team. Do you still need someone??

Anonymous said...

Glad everything went ok with the "SWAT" team...Coulda been worse I guess!
Great Pics!! And good luck with Softball..