So It kinda feels little to late to be talking about Hawaii now that we have been back over a I will attach some photos and some comments about it and leave it at that. Sorry they aren't in order.
My fishin' buddy and me! :)
Cool sea life in the clear ocean
Me and Trist on boogie boards in the beautiful clean clear ocean.
Trist buried in the sand by Aunt Penny and Uncle Billy
Ocean waves crashing against the lava rock at the beach
Treec, Trist and a Hula girl...she thought Trist was so cute in his little pareos, also known as a lava lava or sarong.
Trist and I at the Place of refuge with all the Tiki's this was our favorite place to visit while we were there.
More Tiki's
Chaka at the bay at the place of refuge
Pu'Uhonua O Honaunau or Place of Refuge. This was our favorite place to visit.
The beautiful Makalea golf course...thanks Treec for letting me complete an item on my "list of things to enjoy in life". Golfing in Hawaii is just plain amazing.
These peacocks are all over the golf course, like the geese are all over our golf courses. There were times when the peacocks would guard our ball so that we couldn't hit, so we would have to grab a chip from the bag and toss it the opposite direction to get it to run away. It was kinda creepy, but still neat to watch them fan out their feathers and just to be so close to them.
This is my little family next to our pool at the house we stayed in the night we went to the Luau.
Tristan at the Luau in his very popular Lava Lava
part of the Luau...we ate some interesting things...seaweed wrapped rice and chicken, khalua pork, coconut tofu, and all you can drink Mai Tai's...and if you took them up to the bar they would add more rum on top...yumm-o!
Us at dusk at the tidepools
a banana tree in our back yard, we also had a papaya tree, and a coconut tree
Treec at the bay in Hilo
Rainbow falls on the Big Island. The post cards show these falls much more then just this little trickle. I guess in the winter it flows a lot heavier. And each morning a rainbow reflects off the water, which is why it's called Rainbow Falls.
Us again...
Trist and Treec with one of the many many many gecko's we had running around our house and yard.
This is South Point - the southern most tip of the USA. The water was so clear, we could see clear down to the bottom where there was coral and rocks. There were a couple of guys cliff diving and I really really wanted to do it, but chickened out!
me chickenin out...
this is the Black Sand Beach. The sand is soft feels just like "normal" sand, but it's lava rocks that have been crushed into sand. It's amazing. There were about 4 Green Turtles eating on the lava rocks just behind the rock I took this from. The photos didn't turn out well, they aren't very cooperative when it comes to taking their photo.
Trist playing on the black sand beach
our airplane ride
another one of our little gecko's I swear everything is in Technicolor in Hawaii.
see what I mean? this is just one of the many flowers I took a photo of...amazingly beautiful
our first day on the "beach" lots of lava rocks everywhere, but this made it fun to see so many sea creatures, crabs, sea urchings, sea cucumbers, green turtles, fish,
our first day we found this little guy eating seaweed off some of the lava rocks. He was so neat.We had a great trip, and I can't wait to go back again some day! I understand why people come home after a trip to the Islands, pack up and move the Paradise. It's amazing.
Hope you enjoyed the photos...
Looks beautiful.
That picture of Trist burried up to his head gives me anxiety. AAAAAAH !
So clausterphobic.
Thanks for sharing.
I miss my home!!! And I have always loved Tristan and his Shaka sign. The pictures are lovely - Hawaii is in technicolor - and I am glad you got to golf!
Beautiful and amazing photos! We need to see the rest next time we get together. Thanks for sharing!!
Great pics! Looks like you guys had a great time! I'm so jealous!!!
Oh My! I have never been and actually never wanted to go ... until NOW! Your pictures are so fun! The one of the three of you are your hotel should be your Christmas card! LOVE it!
You all look amazing - and so happy.
Breathtaking pictures, looks like you all had such a wonderful time!
So glad you enjoyed your vacation, although I am damn jealous, very happy for you ! Such a cute little family!
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