Wednesday was a date with Treec-we went to dinner at Applebee's and I even stuck to my diet. Had roasted garlic chicken with asiago cheese and steamed vegetables. WHO AM I??? Ha ha. (update, still no soda pop and have been really good about my food portions. I even have turned down sweets, and was totally okay with it. I worked out 5 out of 7 days this week and am going to be even better this week!) Then we went to a play at Hale Center theatre, it was called Once Upon an Island. WOW...I was completely effected by it, I have never felt an attraction to someone from a different race before, but I could not keep my eyes off this "brown girl" (as my brown friend Summer says) who had the most amazing voice. Every time a song or scene got over I swear I was jumping out of my seat with the loudest clap and "whoot-woot's". It was so awesome. Thursday Tristan had another bloody nose, poor guy, so we went to the doctor to make sure he's not developing hemophelia, which he's not...but we were given some good nose pinching techniques to help stop the bleeding so it's not gushing for 20 minutes like normal. Then friday Trist went to his other mothers and Treec and I settled in for a weekend of just the two of us! WHAT AN AMAZINGLY GREAT WEEKEND WE HAVE HAD. Friday night I went to dinner with a friend that I haven't seen since way before her baby was born and he's now 7 months old, it was a couple of hours of catching up and playing goo with a baby. Then I went over to Ky and Becks to hang with Ky, Becky was going to a friends party and Tree was at a party for her work girls. It was fun to hang out with Ky (even though come to think of it we didn't even get to spend time just her and I...hmmm, we gotta work on that). We sang some karaoke, talked, and encouraged each other with comments of self doubt and frustration. Thanks Ky for being such a great friend and for always being honest and open with me, and I hope that my honesty never comes across as judgement. Your in my heart friend! Saturday Treec and I slept in for the first time I think since we have been together. We finally got out of bed at noon and went downtown to Lambs for breakfast...ended up getting lunch and then walking around downtown a bit. We went and picked up my Vespa from getting fixed and then stopped at a cool store and did a bit of shopping. Love me some shopping! :) Saturday night was our annual "Scarey Movie Night" at friends Heather and Shelly's. We eat soup bowls and appetizers and watch a scarey movie or two. This year we watched Saw 3. So fun...we got home at midnight or after and I decided in the back of my mind that I love that Treec didn't go home after dropping me off. I really want to live together! I got up this morning and took my little brother to the airport for his 3 weeks of work in Minnesota, came back to my sleeping girl with a Grande Sugar Free Skinny Carmel Machiatto from Starbucks and the paper, where we layed in bed and paroozed the Toys R Us Big Book for Christmas ideas, and then I read the sports page while she enjoyed her coffee! It was one of the most amazing mornings of our relationship! I am so in love with my pretty girl I can hardly contain how I feel inside. SORRY ...kinda got all mush on ya...bleck. :) I am now at work until 5:00pm. Two more hours, but after a morning like this morning I can't complain about anything. Oh and Treec just called me a little bit ago and said there is a guy going to look at her house this afternoon! Again...keep your fingers crossed, i'm just excited that people are looking at it. I am trying not to get my hopes up but I can't help it, I really want to take the next step!!!
Okay I think I have puked you all out about now...so I will leave it with this...
oh and one more thing I have this new fascination with asking Jack who his favorite auntie is and ever time he says Heid...it's so cute...just a cute little photo of the cutest Jackson and his favorite auntie! :)

Holy cow! You guys are busy. Thanks for the update. You guys are lucky to have some alone time. We never get that because we can never find a babysitter.
No wonder you haven't been blogging. Who has time with a schedule like that.
I can't believe that is Tristan...it doesn't even LOOK like him.
Love this blog.. I think it's sweet! Glad you are enjoying every moment..
Good luck on "the next step".. :)
Busy Busy Girls you are!
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