Tuesday afternoon I took my dad golfing at Riverbend Golf Course for Father's Day. We only played 9 holes, but we have decided it needs to be a bi-monthly routine. I am really looking forward to that, it's something to allow us to continue building a great relationship.
When we got done, I met up with Patrice, Tristan, and a few other friends for an evening of fun at Liberty Park. The kids ran through the fountain, we pushed them on swings where we got "super duper high" and we ate Pizza and breadsticks for dinner (Thanks Mer and Summer). What a great evening. We finally left the park about 9:00pm with disappointment on all our faces, it was a fun fun night.
By the time I got home, my mouth was hurting so bad. It was throbbing into my jaw and my ear was starting to hurt...so after a very long, painful night, I got up an called an Endontist and got in for an emergency root canal at 2:30pm wednesday afternoon. OUCH! Not to get gross, but they dug and dug and dug out the infection from my tooth. I thankfully had protective eyewear on because it splashed up everywhere in disgusting chunks! Bleck, I think I might throw up thinking about it...well, I did end up throwing up, but it was because I took some Loritab to help with the pain, and it didn't do well to my stomach or head, Loritab and me don't mix! Today wasn't pleasant, full of sleeping the drugs off and trying to manage the pain without Loritab...but I am feeling a little bit better tonight, so I am happy about that!
7 more days until Hawaii! WOO HOO...and yes, in case you were wondering I have started to pack.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Weekly Horoscope
So I have a weekly horoscope that comes on my phone text message every monday morning at 9:00am. It's not that I take stock in horoscopes, but sometimes they say things that really make me think...today is one of those days.
"Detach yourself from previous roles. They are obsolete. Let them go."
I have three things in my life in the past few months that have made this horoscope ring very very true.
1-Patrice and I have been talking seriously about how I kind of became the bad guy to Tristan. Patrice had a tendancy to be to "soft" and I had a tendency to over compensate for that and be a little to "hard". We have been working really hard to change that role.
2-My best friend has made some choices in her life that for whatever reason put a huge barrier between us. She hasn't talked to me since before Mother's Day and I am really confused and sad about it. Maybe she no longer needs my friendship, and I should let her go???
3-My mom's best friend kinda took me in under her wing many many years ago. She has two kids that I adopted as my bro and sis. Well, Sis is getting married on June 28th. I am really sad because I will be in Hawaii, but in all honesty I haven't really been close to these guys since about 8 years ago, I mean, semi close, but not like before for sure...so maybe the role of "sister" is one that is obsolete now.
Just a really thought provoking horoscope...
"Detach yourself from previous roles. They are obsolete. Let them go."
I have three things in my life in the past few months that have made this horoscope ring very very true.
1-Patrice and I have been talking seriously about how I kind of became the bad guy to Tristan. Patrice had a tendancy to be to "soft" and I had a tendency to over compensate for that and be a little to "hard". We have been working really hard to change that role.
2-My best friend has made some choices in her life that for whatever reason put a huge barrier between us. She hasn't talked to me since before Mother's Day and I am really confused and sad about it. Maybe she no longer needs my friendship, and I should let her go???
3-My mom's best friend kinda took me in under her wing many many years ago. She has two kids that I adopted as my bro and sis. Well, Sis is getting married on June 28th. I am really sad because I will be in Hawaii, but in all honesty I haven't really been close to these guys since about 8 years ago, I mean, semi close, but not like before for sure...so maybe the role of "sister" is one that is obsolete now.
Just a really thought provoking horoscope...
Weekend Fun
This past weekend was fun filled, so I wanted to show off some photos and fill you in.
Friday night I was able to get the night off from my part time job...it's not common that I get a friday night off so I have not been able to make it to the friday night GLPU park nights. First off I want to take the time to publically thank Mer and Summer for taking their time, energy, and finances at times to make everyone in the GLPU feel welcome and involved when it comes to friday nights. They have taken on the responsibility of making it easy for people to come and get to know each other and allow the kids to play with each other while the adults have time to talk. So this past friday they took the opportunity to expand "park" night and we had "canyon" night. Millcreek canyon is close, cool, and semi secluded. We were able to go up, find a fire pit for roasting marshmallows, and the kids played near the creek and played king of the hill on a very large rock. There were only three family's that made it up the canyon, but it was so great none the less.
Saturday morning I had to get up and go to work for a few hours, and Tristan went to Karate to do testing for his yellow belt. He was focused and dedicated and could hardly wait to call when he was done to tell me how great he did. I am very proud of him.
Saturday afternoon Mer, Sum, and Cam came over to my house to hang out. The boys played, ran through the sprinklers, and even took a small little nap while Patrice, Mer, Sum and I had some tasty cold adult beverages and b-b-q'd. We ended up going to the drive in that night to see Kung Fu Panda, which we had already seen, but it was better the second time around, and then for everyone else to watch Narnia while me and the boys snored our way through it. :) I can never stay awake for the second show. Darn-it.
Sunday morning was father's day, I called both of my dad's to wish them a great day and then we headed up Provo Canyon for a fishing/picnic. We could see the fish, and at any given time there would be 8-10 fish hitting the bait but not eating it. Then all of a sudden I watched a fish hit my bait and I jerked and snagged a fish, I let Cam reel it in, which he seemed to enjoy, and Tristan scooped it up out of the river with the net, it was a total team effort. Once the fish was out of the water, and I got the hook out of it's mouth the flopping fish pooped and started to bleed and then flipped all the gooey ooey stuff all over, poor Cam got some on his cheek and kinda freaked a little. He didn't want anything to do with it from there on out. We totally have plans to go again...I think we all had a great time, even Mer trying to cast Cam's little 2 foot pole 20 yards out...I am telling you, she's a natural. :)
We decided to allow the Ex to have Tristan for a few hours sunday afternoon for "Other Parent's Day" so that Patrice doesn't have to share "mother's day". No sense in wasting a perfectly good holiday just 'cause there is no father in our little family. So after we dropped him off we headed to Cabela's. Love that store...we never get out of there without spending $$. We found a new fishing pole for Patrice, a cool new camel pack for Tristan for his b-day (July 22nd), and some new spinners for when we fish up on the lake. I am really looking forward to our next fishing trip!
We have 11 days until Hawaii...I am getting more and more excited each day that it get's closer.
Hope you enjoy the photos...
Friday night I was able to get the night off from my part time job...it's not common that I get a friday night off so I have not been able to make it to the friday night GLPU park nights. First off I want to take the time to publically thank Mer and Summer for taking their time, energy, and finances at times to make everyone in the GLPU feel welcome and involved when it comes to friday nights. They have taken on the responsibility of making it easy for people to come and get to know each other and allow the kids to play with each other while the adults have time to talk. So this past friday they took the opportunity to expand "park" night and we had "canyon" night. Millcreek canyon is close, cool, and semi secluded. We were able to go up, find a fire pit for roasting marshmallows, and the kids played near the creek and played king of the hill on a very large rock. There were only three family's that made it up the canyon, but it was so great none the less.
Saturday morning I had to get up and go to work for a few hours, and Tristan went to Karate to do testing for his yellow belt. He was focused and dedicated and could hardly wait to call when he was done to tell me how great he did. I am very proud of him.
Saturday afternoon Mer, Sum, and Cam came over to my house to hang out. The boys played, ran through the sprinklers, and even took a small little nap while Patrice, Mer, Sum and I had some tasty cold adult beverages and b-b-q'd. We ended up going to the drive in that night to see Kung Fu Panda, which we had already seen, but it was better the second time around, and then for everyone else to watch Narnia while me and the boys snored our way through it. :) I can never stay awake for the second show. Darn-it.
Sunday morning was father's day, I called both of my dad's to wish them a great day and then we headed up Provo Canyon for a fishing/picnic. We could see the fish, and at any given time there would be 8-10 fish hitting the bait but not eating it. Then all of a sudden I watched a fish hit my bait and I jerked and snagged a fish, I let Cam reel it in, which he seemed to enjoy, and Tristan scooped it up out of the river with the net, it was a total team effort. Once the fish was out of the water, and I got the hook out of it's mouth the flopping fish pooped and started to bleed and then flipped all the gooey ooey stuff all over, poor Cam got some on his cheek and kinda freaked a little. He didn't want anything to do with it from there on out. We totally have plans to go again...I think we all had a great time, even Mer trying to cast Cam's little 2 foot pole 20 yards out...I am telling you, she's a natural. :)
We decided to allow the Ex to have Tristan for a few hours sunday afternoon for "Other Parent's Day" so that Patrice doesn't have to share "mother's day". No sense in wasting a perfectly good holiday just 'cause there is no father in our little family. So after we dropped him off we headed to Cabela's. Love that store...we never get out of there without spending $$. We found a new fishing pole for Patrice, a cool new camel pack for Tristan for his b-day (July 22nd), and some new spinners for when we fish up on the lake. I am really looking forward to our next fishing trip!
We have 11 days until Hawaii...I am getting more and more excited each day that it get's closer.
Hope you enjoy the photos...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Seriously...it's June!
I was sitting here a minute ago and realized that I haven't written a blog since May...it's now June, we've had ups and downs, fun and drama, and all of it undocumented here on the worldwide web...I better give you a re-cap.
Softball has been non exhistant for weeks now because of rain outs...but we do have a game tonight which I am looking forward to. Maybe one of these days we can put aside all the drama and actual play and win a game. I will keep you posted on that.
Patrice, Tristan and I have been spending a lot of fun fun times with some friends the last little while that have made us really happy. We have a lot in common, we have a lot to talk about, and the boys are getting closer and closer. We are really excited about it.
SLC Gay Pride 2008 was this past weekend. We went to the parade, then walked around the festival and let the boys play play play. Also giving hugs to those people we tend to only see once a year at Pride. It was a beautiful day FINALLY!
After Pride we went to the movies and saw Kung Fu Panda. Tristan laughed histerically, I wouldn't say it's the best cartoon movie of the century, but it was a cute one.
I went to Fairview with my dad and spent a day hanging kitchen cabinets in Patrice's grandma's cabin. What a day of hard work...but the results were spectacular. I can now claim to be a professional cabinet installer. :)
Memorial Day weekend was a surprise if you remember for Patrice. We ended up in Mesquite for the weekend and even drove into Vegas for the day. We gambled, played Bingo, walked the strip, slept in, ate buffets, had an In-N-Out Burger (twice) and just had a great weekend together. Oh yeah and we saw Pete Rose at the Forum Shops in Cesars! WOO HOO.
This weekend is going to be full of canyon trips, fishing, movies, b-b-q's fun and friends. I am really looking forward to it.
Next weekend is Ani Difranco! I CAN HARDLY WAIT!
And then the next weekend we leave for Hawaii...so all in all, the fact that it's only June is probably good, since our lives are so busy...
Enjoy a few of the photos from the last few weeks.
Heidi & Tristan...buddies
Winnings-woo hoo
Pete Rose at the Forum Shops in Vegas
My favorite Double meat Animal Style
Patrice and Me at the top of the Stratosphere right before we rode the Sling Shot! :)
Softball has been non exhistant for weeks now because of rain outs...but we do have a game tonight which I am looking forward to. Maybe one of these days we can put aside all the drama and actual play and win a game. I will keep you posted on that.
Patrice, Tristan and I have been spending a lot of fun fun times with some friends the last little while that have made us really happy. We have a lot in common, we have a lot to talk about, and the boys are getting closer and closer. We are really excited about it.
SLC Gay Pride 2008 was this past weekend. We went to the parade, then walked around the festival and let the boys play play play. Also giving hugs to those people we tend to only see once a year at Pride. It was a beautiful day FINALLY!
After Pride we went to the movies and saw Kung Fu Panda. Tristan laughed histerically, I wouldn't say it's the best cartoon movie of the century, but it was a cute one.
I went to Fairview with my dad and spent a day hanging kitchen cabinets in Patrice's grandma's cabin. What a day of hard work...but the results were spectacular. I can now claim to be a professional cabinet installer. :)
Memorial Day weekend was a surprise if you remember for Patrice. We ended up in Mesquite for the weekend and even drove into Vegas for the day. We gambled, played Bingo, walked the strip, slept in, ate buffets, had an In-N-Out Burger (twice) and just had a great weekend together. Oh yeah and we saw Pete Rose at the Forum Shops in Cesars! WOO HOO.
This weekend is going to be full of canyon trips, fishing, movies, b-b-q's fun and friends. I am really looking forward to it.
Next weekend is Ani Difranco! I CAN HARDLY WAIT!
And then the next weekend we leave for Hawaii...so all in all, the fact that it's only June is probably good, since our lives are so busy...
Enjoy a few of the photos from the last few weeks.

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