Thursday, August 7, 2008


So I can't believe it's been almost a week since our GLPU campout. Life goes so damn fast! AHHHH...we went up Fairview Canyon friday morning to meet up with some of the early birds. When we got there they were just getting their own tents and what-not set up so once we all got set up, we took a nice needed break and headed down to the lake for some water play and sun! Treec and I took the dogs and even though some of the dogs didn't completely get along, we were really glad we took them on a much need vacation too! :) On saturday afternoon I decided to make dutch oven dinner and dessert for the "pot-luck" desert and so I encouraged Treec and Trist to go off for some fishing...I AM SO GLAD THEY WENT! Tristan got creative and put two colors of power bait (Spring Green with sparkles, and Salmon Pink) onto the hook. He cast it out, and about minute later a fish hit his line and he started to reel! I guess it got a little hard but luckily Treec had the net ready and he landed a 21" Native Brown Trout. He was so they drove back into the camp they were honking and he was holding it above his head like he had just won the World Series Trophy! Everyone was amazing, following the lead and cheering him on for his catch!

We enjoyed Smore's around the campfire, the kids played and got FILTHY dirty, and we even got in a nap! What a great weekend...we can't wait for next year! For those of you that missed it, here are some of the "best of" photos! :)


K J and the kids said...

Sounds fun !!! but I am not seeing the photos ?

Heidi said...

here you go...sorry

Ky said...

Looks like everyone had a great time. Thanks for sharing the awesome photos!

Anonymous said...

It's the pictures that make me want to kick myself the most for missing it. I'm so out of touch and I miss it BAD. Thanks for the blog..

TooeleTwins said...

I will for sure NOT show this blog to Kelley who caught a few fish but nothing to compare to a 21" brown (even though we spent most of the weekend experiementing with different bait combinations)!
Kaye/Kelley/the boys

Anonymous said...

You all look so happy! I'm so sorry we missed it. But not again - we won't miss it EVER again! :)

Anonymous said...

This looks like a total blast.. How do ya'll know about this every year? I always hear about it like 2 weeks before!
Great pictures and even better memories! LOVE IT!