Monday, September 10, 2007

And So It Starts...

For those of you with children not quite school age, let me explain my newest head shaking astonishment.

Week one of kindergarten, you would think it would be all about coloring, maybe a little finger paints, some singing and banging on pans learning the hokey pokey...NO. Well, that stuff may have happened, but what we get out of Tristans explanation of "how was your day" was "if you buy me some cookie dough, I can go on a car ride with dark windows to a pizza party with a cool braclet!" "here, here is the paper". What? I think to myself, in the HELL is he talking about...well, I take the bright green paper he hands me and find out that we are starting a fund raiser! Seriously, week one? Kindergarten? Seriously though...cookie dough, frozen mini pizzas, soft pretzels, churros, brownies, punkin pie, apple pie, and a few other assorted items. As I read on, I see that for any one item that he sells he get's a glo-in-the dark braclet. The kid that sells the most items in the school gets a ride in a limo (hence the car with the dark windows) and the class that sells the most gets a pizza party. He's so funny...

So here it starts...wanna buy some frozen treats for Tristan's fund raiser? We gotta help our boy get his braclet and limo ride to lunch! :)

Oh, and when your kids start their fund raising years...we'll be there for them too! :)



Holly said...

So it begins! The joy of school fundraisers! At least he's got his eyes on the prize, I like his priorities!

Merr said...

Ha that is hilarious!