Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Windstorm, Rainy Days, and a joke to make you smile

So last night after karate, we went to Iceburg to meet some friends for ice cream and to let the boys get some energy out mid week! WHAT A BLAST! The boys ran around chasing an unsuspecting little girl who mind you, was a stranger, all around the place. They had these looks like, "ooh" she's cute, she took off running and the chase was on. First Cam, then Tristan followed suit. So funny. After finally getting our long awaited food and shakes, we laughed and talked, and got to know each other better-love getting to know these guys. THANKS to you both! Well, all of a sudden, if you live in Utah you know that the weather can change from summer to winter in 0-60, we had a massive tornado type wind gush through, ranch dressing oozed down my front, wrappers and cups went flying, we all jumped to gather the garbage, I cleaned as much of the ranch off my shirt as I could while getting pelted by dust and other flying debri and we ran to our cars for safety. CRAZY WIND STORM! But it was fun to get together anyway...

This morning we woke up to a cool rainy morning. Rainy days totally get me down it's dark and dreary. I am a girl that loves me some sun! :) Hopefully it'll be back for our weekend retreat! :)

Well, here is a joke to help bring a smile to your face, and maybe a little sun on this rainy day. Have a good day...

Why can't lesbians diet and wear make-up at the same time?

Wait for it...

Because they can't eat Jenny Craig with Mary Kay on their face.



K J and the kids said...

oh no you didn't just go there ! :)
That was a TERRIBLE joke ! ha ha

I'm sorry that your dinner was interrupted. Winds were apparently like 50 mph. WOW !

I hope the weather turns around over the weekend too.

Anonymous said...

OMG - you did not just tell that joke! I can't decide whether to laugh out loud or cover my mouth like a lady hearing a swear word! :)
I'm glad your ice cream date went well. The wind was amazing last night.
Hope to see you soon!

Merr said...

Way fun and freaking hilarious! I love that we can all have some good laughs together.
Oh and the joke....LMAO!!!