I am a little hesitant to post this, for a few reasons. The big #1-I don't want anyone, even myself, to pass judgment on Patrice. I know some of you have been in her shoes, I am sure some of you have been in the shoes of (in my opinion) the problem, and I am sure some of you can't relate at all...but I just want to be able to vent this and then try to move on!
Patrice has an ex girlfriend, of 12 years. At year 8 Patrice decided to have a child. You either know him, or know about him, Tristan. He is now 5, Patrice and I have been together for 14 months now.
Even though Patrice was really the only parent during Tristan's first 4 years of life, after the ex left, Patrice felt it was in Tristan's best interest to grant some "visitation" so they could continue to build and nurture a relationship.
In the past 14 months, I have grown to love Tristan as my own. I take pride in his accomplishments, when he cries with true emotion about pain that he feels in his heart, I feel bad with him. I am excited to hear about his day, and when I have to miss out on a day without seeing him I miss him. I want him to grown, and learn, and be able to make mistakes so he knows right from wrong. I enjoy teaching him the little lessons in life. And I even enjoy challenging him to teach him to stand up for what he wants and believes in. This one is a hard one at times...I will give you an example...
Tristan as you saw a few blogs back, loves to get his toe-nails painted. He thinks it feels good, he loves the colors, he just plain likes it! The Ex is some what of a "chauvinist" and feels that girls have roles and boys have roles and they shouldn't deviate from those roles. Which is ironic because she acted like a male chauvinist pig while dating Patrice, but that is an entirely different blog in and of itself. Anyway...she took on the attitude of "no son of mine will wear pink or paint his toenails". Until Patrice let her know that he likes it and don't tease him about it. Well, he started karate about a month ago, and has to take his shoes and socks off during class. He freaked out because he didn't want anyone to "tease" him about his toe nails. This grated on my nerves, so I decided to give him an analogy (FYI analogies and 5 years olds work well-I know, your shocked!).
Me:"Bud, you know how you hate Pepperoni Pizza, you only like Cheese pizza...what if I told you that because I like pepperoni, that you are dumb for liking cheese and you can't have cheese pizza anymore, you can only have pepperoni?"
Tristan: "I'm not dumb, I don't like pepperoni, I like cheese, and I will eat it"
Me:"That is exactly what I wanted you to say buddy, and now when people tell you your dumb 'cause your toe nails are painted, what will you say?"
Tristan:"I will tell them they are dumb!"
Well, not the exact answer I wanted out of him, so we continued talking, and got him to the point that he was okay with his decission to get his pedi and things were fine for a few weeks.
Fast forward to a week that the Ex took him for the Thanksgiving holiday to her families. Shoes come off, there go socks, and even though I wasn't there, got the visual that her eyes widened and Tristan let us know that she peeled off the toe nail polish with her fingernails "SO HE WASN'T EMBARRASED IN FRONT OF HIS COUSINS AND UNCLES!" I am just a little irritated.
Anyway...in my opinion, and that is all that matters right? I am a damn good "step-mom" per say and feel like I always have Tristan's best interest in mind. And a lot of times I feel that the Ex doesn't. And that frustrates me!
Christmas is coming...I am so excited. Patrice and I have done some pretty special things for Trist, some of which are material, some of which are from the heart. We know he will enjoy the magic of such a special time of year!
The ex, although she doesn't have a full 50/50 custody split with Patrice has been given her alloted one weekend a month this coming weekend. She will take him friday morning until monday (Christmas Eve) at 3:00pm. Her normal weekend times are from friday at 5:00pm to sunday at 5:00pm. So she is getting an extra 31.5 hours more then she normally gets. She is taking him to Idaho for her family Christmas party and we felt that not only does he deserve to go, but it was a nice gesture to allow her to have a little extra time to enjoy the holidays with him.
Patrice offered to let Ex come to our house Christmas morning with her Santa presents to get to watch Trist open Santa presents. Slight irritation, but I can understand why, so I go along with it. Ex throws a fit about having to come in the morning (she doesn't want to have to get up that early) and demands to get to sleep over night to "help set up Santa (which mind you we have ours, she has hers...so I don't want her help setting up my Santa stuff), and get to be there if he wakes up early, oh, and Tristan really wants her to sleep over" BULLSHIT! She just wants to 1-not have to get us so early to drive up, 2-irritate me, 'cause whenever she comes to Patrice's house she struts around the house like it's hers ('cause it was for 12 years) and 3-we wont even be home Christmas Eve night, we are going to Patrice's mom's for Christmas Eve dinner and presents and by the time we get home he will be asleep...SO...there is really no valid or good reason for her to stay over that has anything to do with Tristan, only selfish immature reasons that are just 'causing me grief!
As for the whole Tristan wants her to stay over, there was a night we were getting out all the Christmas decorations and the stockings got pulled out, I had purchased three new stocking holders last year, Tristan put up his stocking, my stocking, and Patrice's stocking. I said "what do you want to do with this one?" making reference to the Ex's stocking. Tristan says "she doesn't live here anymore, she can have it at her house". "PERFECT", I thought! I wont have to tell him, he already knows! But then the day after he had gone to spend time with her, he was dead set on her sleeping over and having her stocking there "'cause she will be sad if she can't sleep over". I WAS INFURIATED! Are you seriously manipulating a 5 year old to be able to get that leverage back in? Are you seriously focused on what's in Tristan's best interest? I think not! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!
Well, the past week Patrice and I have been on edge. She hasn't given a definitive answer as to whether the Ex can sleep over and so I finally had to sit down and decide what's best for Heidi. It's been one of the hardest decisions I have had to make yet in our relationship...
After my ex left me, I was in therapy. I had to learn (and it was a very hard lesson to learn and I am still learning) that my life needed to be filled with me finding happiness. In my past, my happiness stemmed from pleasing others and making others happy. When those others had been fulfilled they moved on, and I was left lacking. I had to learn what it meant to find happiness even though it may be what I want and may go against what others want. I want to please Patrice, I want to make her happy, but I also know that I need to be happy too, and if something doesn't make me happy, and goes against what I believe in, I have to remove myself from the situation. THAT IS SO HARD!
So I told Patrice, for me, if the Ex is sleeping over, then I will just stay at my house, they can have Santa Christmas morning and then when the Ex leaves, I will come over and we can enjoy the rest of the day as a family. Because for me Christmas is about spending time with the people I love and I don't see any reason for me to put myself in a situation that is uncomfortable and just plain wrong to me. There is no reason in my mind that she has to sleep over night, and I also feel we are being overly gracious for allowing her to come and intrude on our Christmas morning after she is already getting him for an extra 31.5hours of our time during the weekend anyway!
So I have no idea what Patrice will decide. She feels like she is in the middle, in my opinion there shouldn't be a middle to be in. Is it really in Tristan's best interest to have chaos, turmoil, animosity, frustration, irritation looming in the house? I don't think so. And if I can be so selfish...CAN'T SHE SIDE WITH ME? Why can't it be about what we as a family want, screw her EX! Okay, I will try not to be selfish anymore...TRY, I said TRY!
I don't know, I am just so frustrated I want to tell her to go jump in the lake, but I also keep my mouth shut to keep the peace. I just feel that it's time the three of us sit down and decide what boundaries and what rules need to be in place because we all want what is best for Tristan, but the way things are going it's become more about grandstanding, or "one-uping" each other, seeing who can win, seeing who can be the better Disneyland parent and all this is just going to negatively impact Tristan and that is what I don't want to see.
The Ex feels I have no right to have an input. I feel I have more right then her, she is the one that left! I am here participating right now, she is just being his "buddy". It's not the greatest to have to be the disciplinarian...but I keep remind Patrice that even though the Ex gets to always have him for play time and we have him for not only play time, but learning time, and bath time, and sleeping time, and time out time, and grounding time, and breaking his arm time, and all the other times, he will grown and age and have far more respect for Patrice and I because we took the time to actually raise him to be a good upstanding member of society where as she was just there to buy him anything he wants and buddy around with him and buy his happiness!
BLAH! I am just so emotional about this all...it's really hard to be in my shoes, but I know it's hard to be in the shoes of the ex and of Patrice too...I just don't know all the answers, even though sometimes I claim to! :)
I guess that is it for now...don't really know what to do next.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Our 12 Days of Christmas the past 7 days (add tunage where appropriate)
First let me say that I know, I know, it's Wednesday a week after we left and I haven't blogged yet. Once you read, you'll hopefully understand! Here we go....(go go go, in the sound of Peter Pan flying off to Neverland!) Tristan's old favorite ride...
Now his favorite ride is Space Mt. What an awesome kid! :)
12 Character Photos:
We got photos of Tristan with the following characters: Mickey, Minnie, Winnie the Pooh, Tigger Too, Eyeore, Chip & Dale, Stitch, Darth Vader, Darth Mall, Jedi Knights, Donald Duck, ...most of the time people were orderly and nice and it allowed us to get photos with each character with our boy alone...so that was nicer then I remember as a kid when it was a free for all! Here's a few:

11 Family Members Smiling: Mom, Dad, Gidget, Mike, Penny, Billy, Presley, Timmy, Patrice, Tristan, and I all together for Christmas at Disneyland! Couldn't help but smile!
Mom on the bumper cars...what a hoot
My nephew Timmy pulling my little sister Penny into a fountain of water...we all laughed pretty hard!
10 Steps to the front gate:
Our hotel was directly across the street from the main entrance to Disneyland, California Adventure, and Downtown Disney. That made for easy access to running back across the street to change when we got soaked (see 4). And it also made it easier when Tristan had fallen asleep on the walk back to the hotel and we had to carry him the rest of the way!
9 pins a tradin:
We got into pin trading, something that I never thought I would get into. We were able to find some pretty neat pins, and learned that Disneyland workers are required to trade with you no matter what they have, so we were able to get some pins with "hidden Mickey's" I guess these are rare. I have the whole set of "Hitch hiking ghosts with hidden Mickey's" woo hoo!
8 Live Reindeer:
Santa and Mrs. Claus brought their 8 reindeer down South to come to be in the parade at Disneyland and to get their photo taken with us...what a special day!

6 Hundred Mile airplane ride (aprox. give or take):
This was Tristans first airplane ride. And he loved it. He thought it was really neat that he could see the lights down below as we flew over cities. And he especially like looking at the Sky Mall magazine and picking all the neat things he wanted and getting a soda from flight attendant.
5 Points on the Star:

4 Rapid Riders Soaked:
Even though it was about to rain, my dad, Patrice, Tristan and I decided to go on the Grizzly Roaring Rapids. WE GOT SOAKED! Thank goodness we only had to run across the street to change, not that it matter 'cause when we got changed the rain finally came down and we got a little wet from the rain. But it only lasted about an hour and then the rest of the evening was clear again...but cold! :)
3 Build-a-Bear's a building:

We each built a bear at Downtown Disney, mine is named Disney, he has Mickey Mouse ears, gloves, and a Disneyland t-shirt. Patrice's is named Raider, he has an Oakland Raiders football uniform on. And Tristan's bears name keeps changing, but the newest is Snow Bear and he is dressed in a hoodie and snowboard pants and has boots and a snowboard. They are all way cute!
2 different Mickey's:
Me and Trist with "it's your favorite Mouse Heid's".

And a visit to the Emergency Room:
I had a slight accident...okay, so we were at this Pirate Dinner Show. The seating was tiered and I was able to completely miss a 1 foot high step off, smacking my head against a metal hand rail and landing square on both knees. I went into shock and had a slight concussion. I had to have a CT scan of my head, and multiple x-rays of my left knee. I came out of it with a bruise patella a couple of nice bruises, and likely a huge bill, but no broken bones, and I think my brain although wracked a little is just fine (that is up to you all to determine! ha ha)
What a great trip! Can't wait to do it all again...well, maybe not the ER part! :) Hope you enjoyed.
Now his favorite ride is Space Mt. What an awesome kid! :)
12 Character Photos:
We got photos of Tristan with the following characters: Mickey, Minnie, Winnie the Pooh, Tigger Too, Eyeore, Chip & Dale, Stitch, Darth Vader, Darth Mall, Jedi Knights, Donald Duck, ...most of the time people were orderly and nice and it allowed us to get photos with each character with our boy alone...so that was nicer then I remember as a kid when it was a free for all! Here's a few:
11 Family Members Smiling: Mom, Dad, Gidget, Mike, Penny, Billy, Presley, Timmy, Patrice, Tristan, and I all together for Christmas at Disneyland! Couldn't help but smile!
My nephew Timmy pulling my little sister Penny into a fountain of water...we all laughed pretty hard!
10 Steps to the front gate:
Our hotel was directly across the street from the main entrance to Disneyland, California Adventure, and Downtown Disney. That made for easy access to running back across the street to change when we got soaked (see 4). And it also made it easier when Tristan had fallen asleep on the walk back to the hotel and we had to carry him the rest of the way!
9 pins a tradin:
We got into pin trading, something that I never thought I would get into. We were able to find some pretty neat pins, and learned that Disneyland workers are required to trade with you no matter what they have, so we were able to get some pins with "hidden Mickey's" I guess these are rare. I have the whole set of "Hitch hiking ghosts with hidden Mickey's" woo hoo!
8 Live Reindeer:
Santa and Mrs. Claus brought their 8 reindeer down South to come to be in the parade at Disneyland and to get their photo taken with us...what a special day!
6 Hundred Mile airplane ride (aprox. give or take):
This was Tristans first airplane ride. And he loved it. He thought it was really neat that he could see the lights down below as we flew over cities. And he especially like looking at the Sky Mall magazine and picking all the neat things he wanted and getting a soda from flight attendant.
5 Points on the Star:
4 Rapid Riders Soaked:
Even though it was about to rain, my dad, Patrice, Tristan and I decided to go on the Grizzly Roaring Rapids. WE GOT SOAKED! Thank goodness we only had to run across the street to change, not that it matter 'cause when we got changed the rain finally came down and we got a little wet from the rain. But it only lasted about an hour and then the rest of the evening was clear again...but cold! :)
3 Build-a-Bear's a building:
We each built a bear at Downtown Disney, mine is named Disney, he has Mickey Mouse ears, gloves, and a Disneyland t-shirt. Patrice's is named Raider, he has an Oakland Raiders football uniform on. And Tristan's bears name keeps changing, but the newest is Snow Bear and he is dressed in a hoodie and snowboard pants and has boots and a snowboard. They are all way cute!
2 different Mickey's:
Me and Trist with "it's your favorite Mouse Heid's".
And a visit to the Emergency Room:
I had a slight accident...okay, so we were at this Pirate Dinner Show. The seating was tiered and I was able to completely miss a 1 foot high step off, smacking my head against a metal hand rail and landing square on both knees. I went into shock and had a slight concussion. I had to have a CT scan of my head, and multiple x-rays of my left knee. I came out of it with a bruise patella a couple of nice bruises, and likely a huge bill, but no broken bones, and I think my brain although wracked a little is just fine (that is up to you all to determine! ha ha)
What a great trip! Can't wait to do it all again...well, maybe not the ER part! :) Hope you enjoyed.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Only 3 More Wake-ups
I can hardly wait until Wednesday at noon when I get off of work to go home, grab our bags, pick up Tristan from school and head for the airport. This will be Tristan's first airplane ride, and I guess in a sneaky little "step-momish" kinda way I am glad it's with me and his mom, not his otha motha. HA HA HA. Oh, was that my outside voice? We went to Disneyland in October of 2006, when Patrice and I were near the beginning of our relationship. Tristan wasn't tall enough to ride many of the rides, and it was a one day trip of chaos...this year, he is tall enough for most of the rides, and he knows my family well enough to go ride with them for a bit so Patrice and I can ride some of the rides that Tristan might not want to go on, like the Haunted Mansion and Tower of Terror. Oh, my, I can hardly wait! I am not sure you are getting the excitment in my voice as I type these words. I think I am more excited to go again then Tristan and Patrice who have only been once in their lives. This is like my million and oneth time. I know that's not really a word, but i'm using it! :) Anyway, i'm excited.
For my birthday, Patrice and Tristan bought me a gift certificate to get a pedicure. I have never had a pedicure before, so I was a little hesitant to go, but Patrice and Tristan both said they would do it with me...we picked up Patrice's mom, who never does anything like this and we all went to get our pedi! The girls thought Trist was so adorable that he wanted his feet massaged, and then when he picked green and red polish and a snowman for his big toe, the Chinese started a flowing. I am not sure what exactly they said, but with the smiles and the looking back and forth at Tristan and each other, I know they were thinking he was so cute and they worked extra hard to make his experience great. I think it was great for him, but kinda lame for me cause they were more into how cute he was then paying attention to massaging my feet and making my toes look pretty. HA HA HA. Just kidding...here are a few photos of our experience and the finished product. Guess whose toes are whose!

Oh yeah, and we decorated Tree and Tristan's living room for Christmas...they have a fake tree (bleck) so we decorated now for them and we'll decorate my house with a real tree when we get home next weekend.
Have a great few days...I may not be back until after our trip so if not, have a great week and I will fill you in on Cali and Disneyland when we get back!
TTFN (Ta Ta For Now-circa Tiger from Whinnie -the- Pooh in case some of you didn't know)
For my birthday, Patrice and Tristan bought me a gift certificate to get a pedicure. I have never had a pedicure before, so I was a little hesitant to go, but Patrice and Tristan both said they would do it with me...we picked up Patrice's mom, who never does anything like this and we all went to get our pedi! The girls thought Trist was so adorable that he wanted his feet massaged, and then when he picked green and red polish and a snowman for his big toe, the Chinese started a flowing. I am not sure what exactly they said, but with the smiles and the looking back and forth at Tristan and each other, I know they were thinking he was so cute and they worked extra hard to make his experience great. I think it was great for him, but kinda lame for me cause they were more into how cute he was then paying attention to massaging my feet and making my toes look pretty. HA HA HA. Just kidding...here are a few photos of our experience and the finished product. Guess whose toes are whose!
Oh yeah, and we decorated Tree and Tristan's living room for Christmas...they have a fake tree (bleck) so we decorated now for them and we'll decorate my house with a real tree when we get home next weekend.
Have a great few days...I may not be back until after our trip so if not, have a great week and I will fill you in on Cali and Disneyland when we get back!
TTFN (Ta Ta For Now-circa Tiger from Whinnie -the- Pooh in case some of you didn't know)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Saturday Fun with the girls

So saturday the 24th of November was a day of fun! Wanted to share some of the fun photos...
Kyla and Beck gave me a very awesome birthday present. Ky, Me, John (Beck's Brother) and Beck's dad went to Provo (or as we know it here in Utah...Happy Valley) to go to Lavell Edwards Stadium (or us oldens know as Cougar Stadium) to cheer for our beloved Utes in the UofU vs BYU rivalry game. The Utes finally found a 10-9 lead with 1:40 left to go in the game. After a few questionable calls and a typical hail marry type reception for BYU, they got a touchdown with 40 seconds to go. The Utes couldn't come back and BYU won. It was a fun fun day none the less.
We then met up with our girlfriends at Becky and Kyla's house and as you can see, we got cumfy and played a little of the neighbors guitar hero! I can't wait for Christmas! I am hoping Santa will bring me Guitar Hero...it's on my list, and I have been a very good girl! :)
Turkey Day and my birthday was great. Dinner went off without a hitch, and it was delicious.
Patrice and I got up at 3:40am and went shopping on Black Friday! It was 100% successful! I would do it again, even having to stand outside target for a full hour to get in and get what we went for! We had a blast! Even not having Tristan with us the whole weekend ('cause he went with his otha motha for their annual Thanksgiving celebration) we had a great weekend!
We leave for Disneyland in 7 days! I CAN HARDLY WAIT!
Hope your day is great...TTFN!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Couple of thoughts!
So today is the day we honor the Veteran's of the past wars and salute our soldiers for the hard work and dedication they have to fight for the freedoms that we have living here in America. I want to give a shout out specifically to a few people that make that a bit more personal and immediate for me. My Dad: National Guard Airborne (Green Beret), who has been to places that he still can't talk about or he'll be court marshaled. My Step-Dad: Retired National Guard Engineer Sargent Major who has seen many of his guys come back from the Gulf War(during the 80's), the 2nd Gulf War (1990-1991) and this most recent STUPID war the "War on Terror" in body bags. My Dad's uncle who lost his hand at Pearl Harbor while he was serving on a submarine off the Hawaiian Islands. My Mom's brother Ron who served in the Navy. Becky's brother that is a Black Hawk Pilot in the Marines. And last but certainly not least my little nephew Timmy(see photo)
who joined the Navy 333 days ago today. I am very proud of him, he's been #1 in his class and even though he missed being able to go to Navy Seal school by 1 pull up (I think, or sit up) he's going to be a sonar tech on Submarines. Tristan calls him Popeye and he wears a Navy hat that Timmy gave him just before he left, all the time. In fact friday we went to Walmart, and there was a veteran sitting out front collecting money in a can. Tristan took some change to give to the man and as the man said thank you and handed Tristan a little flag as his token of appreciation he tapped Tristan's hat and said I wore one of those hats, I was in the Navy when I served. And Tristan goes, he's like Popeye too Heidi. It was so cute. Last night as we were headed to the Turkey Dinner at the Center for the GLPU November get together, we saw a few "soldiers". Tristan goes, "Look it's soldiers". And I said, yep, like Timmy. Well, let me back up a minute...Tristan has seen my step dad in his uniform, 'cause he still works for the military even though he is retired, and he calls him a soldier. He has yet to see Timmy in his uniform, so I'm not sure he understand the concept of the different uniforms yet. Anyway, so he goes "NO Heid, not like Timmy, like your Dad"! "Soldiers carry guns." This kinda baffled me, because #1 my dad doesn't carry a gun, nor would he if he ever went to war, 'cause he was an engineer, they build things. But where did he get that idea? So I said "not all soldiers carry guns, some are doctors, some build bridges like my step dad, some jump out of airplanes with parachutes like my dad (knowing full well he did carry a gun, but not mentioning that to Trist) and then there are those that carry guns". His response...? "Yeah I know, (with a little shrug) only some carry guns, the others have Tanks!" Patrice laughed out loud and goes, sounds like your step dad is "under armed then!" He needs a tank! :) Oh, kids...how cute they are, shaking my head. :)
My birthday is in 10 days, oh yeah, and so is my favorite holiday! THANKSGIVING! I am really looking forward to it. In fact the thing I am most looking forward to (but still not trying to have to many expectations) is that someone (my fishin buddy) actually is putting forth effort to make my birthday special. I have never had that in the past. I have pretty much always had to spell it out with big bold letters as to what I wanted and how I wanted it and it still got all f'd up. So it's hard for me to just let it be without wanting to dictate how and what and when and where, but I am really holding back the reigns on myself to let her take control of making me happy! It's a bit exhilarating to say the least. We'll see how it all turns out.
Did I tell you I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner at my house this year. Yep, Tree's family is all coming to my house and I am taking on the role of my mom and am going to prepare my families traditions (well, some of them...I can't compare to my mom quite yet...she's the master of Thanksgiving dinner at her house, I am not quite there yet oh Obi-wan). I am really excited about it though. I love making people happy, and as you can tell by my size and weight, in my family happiness is surrounded with FOOD. And I love me some food! :)
Wish me luck with my lifestyle changes, eating healthier and better size proportions, and staying on my gym schedule over the next few weeks.
Guess I will go for now...Hope you have a great couple of days...
AND last but not least, Karen is a Disneyland hater! I can't even tell you how sad that makes me for her soul!

who joined the Navy 333 days ago today. I am very proud of him, he's been #1 in his class and even though he missed being able to go to Navy Seal school by 1 pull up (I think, or sit up) he's going to be a sonar tech on Submarines. Tristan calls him Popeye and he wears a Navy hat that Timmy gave him just before he left, all the time. In fact friday we went to Walmart, and there was a veteran sitting out front collecting money in a can. Tristan took some change to give to the man and as the man said thank you and handed Tristan a little flag as his token of appreciation he tapped Tristan's hat and said I wore one of those hats, I was in the Navy when I served. And Tristan goes, he's like Popeye too Heidi. It was so cute. Last night as we were headed to the Turkey Dinner at the Center for the GLPU November get together, we saw a few "soldiers". Tristan goes, "Look it's soldiers". And I said, yep, like Timmy. Well, let me back up a minute...Tristan has seen my step dad in his uniform, 'cause he still works for the military even though he is retired, and he calls him a soldier. He has yet to see Timmy in his uniform, so I'm not sure he understand the concept of the different uniforms yet. Anyway, so he goes "NO Heid, not like Timmy, like your Dad"! "Soldiers carry guns." This kinda baffled me, because #1 my dad doesn't carry a gun, nor would he if he ever went to war, 'cause he was an engineer, they build things. But where did he get that idea? So I said "not all soldiers carry guns, some are doctors, some build bridges like my step dad, some jump out of airplanes with parachutes like my dad (knowing full well he did carry a gun, but not mentioning that to Trist) and then there are those that carry guns". His response...? "Yeah I know, (with a little shrug) only some carry guns, the others have Tanks!" Patrice laughed out loud and goes, sounds like your step dad is "under armed then!" He needs a tank! :) Oh, kids...how cute they are, shaking my head. :)
My birthday is in 10 days, oh yeah, and so is my favorite holiday! THANKSGIVING! I am really looking forward to it. In fact the thing I am most looking forward to (but still not trying to have to many expectations) is that someone (my fishin buddy) actually is putting forth effort to make my birthday special. I have never had that in the past. I have pretty much always had to spell it out with big bold letters as to what I wanted and how I wanted it and it still got all f'd up. So it's hard for me to just let it be without wanting to dictate how and what and when and where, but I am really holding back the reigns on myself to let her take control of making me happy! It's a bit exhilarating to say the least. We'll see how it all turns out.
Did I tell you I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner at my house this year. Yep, Tree's family is all coming to my house and I am taking on the role of my mom and am going to prepare my families traditions (well, some of them...I can't compare to my mom quite yet...she's the master of Thanksgiving dinner at her house, I am not quite there yet oh Obi-wan). I am really excited about it though. I love making people happy, and as you can tell by my size and weight, in my family happiness is surrounded with FOOD. And I love me some food! :)
Wish me luck with my lifestyle changes, eating healthier and better size proportions, and staying on my gym schedule over the next few weeks.
Guess I will go for now...Hope you have a great couple of days...
AND last but not least, Karen is a Disneyland hater! I can't even tell you how sad that makes me for her soul!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Not sure...but
so Karen (http://roleplayingwithkids.blogspot.com) tagged me, and I am not 100% sure what that means, but I think I am supposed to put down 6 random things about me that you may not know.
So here goes...
#1 I love to bake. It makes me happy and makes those eating my special treats happy too!
#2 I am horribly afraid of little people. Not as much with midgets and dwarfs although they scare me too, but mostly the shrinky dink type people. The ones that are fully proportionate but small.
#3 I get home sick...I don't know what that means, because I have never felt like I have had a home. My family moved a lot during my growing up years (not that I am grown up...see #4) my parents were in the military and my mom and dad divorce when I was 12...so we moved A LOT. For example, I lived in 3 states between my 9th and 10th grade years. I went to 4 different high schools during my 4 years of high school. I guess more, I miss my family, since most of them are in California.
#4 I am typically a 12 year old boy, in my humor, mostly. I love cartoons, and am very glad that Tristan loves them as much as I do. Disneyland is my favorite place on earth!
#5 My favorite food is Tator Tot Casserole and my least favorite is Celery, Sour Dough Bread, and Clam Chowder. BLECK!
#6 My favorite band is Depeche Mode...although I know a lot of music from a lot of artists. I would ROCK on Don't Foret The Lyrics (a karaoke game show on tv).
There ya go...hope it wasn't too boring!
So here goes...
#1 I love to bake. It makes me happy and makes those eating my special treats happy too!
#2 I am horribly afraid of little people. Not as much with midgets and dwarfs although they scare me too, but mostly the shrinky dink type people. The ones that are fully proportionate but small.
#3 I get home sick...I don't know what that means, because I have never felt like I have had a home. My family moved a lot during my growing up years (not that I am grown up...see #4) my parents were in the military and my mom and dad divorce when I was 12...so we moved A LOT. For example, I lived in 3 states between my 9th and 10th grade years. I went to 4 different high schools during my 4 years of high school. I guess more, I miss my family, since most of them are in California.
#4 I am typically a 12 year old boy, in my humor, mostly. I love cartoons, and am very glad that Tristan loves them as much as I do. Disneyland is my favorite place on earth!
#5 My favorite food is Tator Tot Casserole and my least favorite is Celery, Sour Dough Bread, and Clam Chowder. BLECK!
#6 My favorite band is Depeche Mode...although I know a lot of music from a lot of artists. I would ROCK on Don't Foret The Lyrics (a karaoke game show on tv).
There ya go...hope it wasn't too boring!
Been a Day or so
Sitting at home, baking pies for the GLPU Thanksgiving dinner, and thought i'd say hi...
Yesterday was Alyssa's b-day party. The Tumble Bus was there and Tristan had a blast in it.
Last night Patrice had a jewelry party where a bunch of our friends came to hang out. Thanks to those of you who purchased...we hope you love your new jewelry!
Then we decided to let Trist go to his grandmas and we went out on the town with a few friends. It was nice to dance with my girl and enjoy the company of friends as they came out of their shells. :)
I would have photos...but WE'VE LOST OUR CAMERA! The last time we remember having it was at Sky High, last saturday evening...if anyone that was there happened to remember seeing it, or maybe picked it up...
I called Sky High yesterday and they said they would check and call me back. I haven't heard back from them yet.
The weather outside is frightfull. The clouds are hanging low and it looks like it might snow. I like snow, when I don't have to go anywhere, when I can play in it, and then get all cozy and warm by a fire with some hot cocoa. But then I want it to melt and be 72-78 degrees again. I am so not a winter person! :)
Well, guess I will got get showered and get ready for the day.
Yesterday was Alyssa's b-day party. The Tumble Bus was there and Tristan had a blast in it.
Last night Patrice had a jewelry party where a bunch of our friends came to hang out. Thanks to those of you who purchased...we hope you love your new jewelry!
Then we decided to let Trist go to his grandmas and we went out on the town with a few friends. It was nice to dance with my girl and enjoy the company of friends as they came out of their shells. :)
I would have photos...but WE'VE LOST OUR CAMERA! The last time we remember having it was at Sky High, last saturday evening...if anyone that was there happened to remember seeing it, or maybe picked it up...
I called Sky High yesterday and they said they would check and call me back. I haven't heard back from them yet.
The weather outside is frightfull. The clouds are hanging low and it looks like it might snow. I like snow, when I don't have to go anywhere, when I can play in it, and then get all cozy and warm by a fire with some hot cocoa. But then I want it to melt and be 72-78 degrees again. I am so not a winter person! :)
Well, guess I will got get showered and get ready for the day.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Dracula photos
Holy Crap
A week...a week has gone by and I haven't even written at all! WOW...we had a pretty busy week. Mon night I worked, tues we went to the punkin patch with a few friends, it was cold, and I was being an ass (sorry honey), and by the end of the night I was riding on a teeter totter with Becky and couldn't help but laugh out loud, you know one of those -from the depths of your tummy- type laughs. It was so fun. 
Thanks for a great night!
Wednesday was a date with Treec-we went to dinner at Applebee's and I even stuck to my diet. Had roasted garlic chicken with asiago cheese and steamed vegetables. WHO AM I??? Ha ha. (update, still no soda pop and have been really good about my food portions. I even have turned down sweets, and was totally okay with it. I worked out 5 out of 7 days this week and am going to be even better this week!) Then we went to a play at Hale Center theatre, it was called Once Upon an Island. WOW...I was completely effected by it, I have never felt an attraction to someone from a different race before, but I could not keep my eyes off this "brown girl" (as my brown friend Summer says) who had the most amazing voice. Every time a song or scene got over I swear I was jumping out of my seat with the loudest clap and "whoot-woot's". It was so awesome. Thursday Tristan had another bloody nose, poor guy, so we went to the doctor to make sure he's not developing hemophelia, which he's not...but we were given some good nose pinching techniques to help stop the bleeding so it's not gushing for 20 minutes like normal. Then friday Trist went to his other mothers and Treec and I settled in for a weekend of just the two of us! WHAT AN AMAZINGLY GREAT WEEKEND WE HAVE HAD. Friday night I went to dinner with a friend that I haven't seen since way before her baby was born and he's now 7 months old, it was a couple of hours of catching up and playing goo with a baby. Then I went over to Ky and Becks to hang with Ky, Becky was going to a friends party and Tree was at a party for her work girls. It was fun to hang out with Ky (even though come to think of it we didn't even get to spend time just her and I...hmmm, we gotta work on that). We sang some karaoke, talked, and encouraged each other with comments of self doubt and frustration. Thanks Ky for being such a great friend and for always being honest and open with me, and I hope that my honesty never comes across as judgement. Your in my heart friend! Saturday Treec and I slept in for the first time I think since we have been together. We finally got out of bed at noon and went downtown to Lambs for breakfast...ended up getting lunch and then walking around downtown a bit. We went and picked up my Vespa from getting fixed and then stopped at a cool store and did a bit of shopping. Love me some shopping! :) Saturday night was our annual "Scarey Movie Night" at friends Heather and Shelly's. We eat soup bowls and appetizers and watch a scarey movie or two. This year we watched Saw 3. So fun...we got home at midnight or after and I decided in the back of my mind that I love that Treec didn't go home after dropping me off. I really want to live together! I got up this morning and took my little brother to the airport for his 3 weeks of work in Minnesota, came back to my sleeping girl with a Grande Sugar Free Skinny Carmel Machiatto from Starbucks and the paper, where we layed in bed and paroozed the Toys R Us Big Book for Christmas ideas, and then I read the sports page while she enjoyed her coffee! It was one of the most amazing mornings of our relationship! I am so in love with my pretty girl I can hardly contain how I feel inside. SORRY ...kinda got all mush on ya...bleck. :) I am now at work until 5:00pm. Two more hours, but after a morning like this morning I can't complain about anything. Oh and Treec just called me a little bit ago and said there is a guy going to look at her house this afternoon! Again...keep your fingers crossed, i'm just excited that people are looking at it. I am trying not to get my hopes up but I can't help it, I really want to take the next step!!!
Okay I think I have puked you all out about now...so I will leave it with this...
oh and one more thing I have this new fascination with asking Jack who his favorite auntie is and ever time he says Heid...it's so cute...just a cute little photo of the cutest Jackson and his favorite auntie! :)
I know I shouldn't say that, 'cause he has lots of aunties that love him, but i'm still his favorite! HA HA HA

Wednesday was a date with Treec-we went to dinner at Applebee's and I even stuck to my diet. Had roasted garlic chicken with asiago cheese and steamed vegetables. WHO AM I??? Ha ha. (update, still no soda pop and have been really good about my food portions. I even have turned down sweets, and was totally okay with it. I worked out 5 out of 7 days this week and am going to be even better this week!) Then we went to a play at Hale Center theatre, it was called Once Upon an Island. WOW...I was completely effected by it, I have never felt an attraction to someone from a different race before, but I could not keep my eyes off this "brown girl" (as my brown friend Summer says) who had the most amazing voice. Every time a song or scene got over I swear I was jumping out of my seat with the loudest clap and "whoot-woot's". It was so awesome. Thursday Tristan had another bloody nose, poor guy, so we went to the doctor to make sure he's not developing hemophelia, which he's not...but we were given some good nose pinching techniques to help stop the bleeding so it's not gushing for 20 minutes like normal. Then friday Trist went to his other mothers and Treec and I settled in for a weekend of just the two of us! WHAT AN AMAZINGLY GREAT WEEKEND WE HAVE HAD. Friday night I went to dinner with a friend that I haven't seen since way before her baby was born and he's now 7 months old, it was a couple of hours of catching up and playing goo with a baby. Then I went over to Ky and Becks to hang with Ky, Becky was going to a friends party and Tree was at a party for her work girls. It was fun to hang out with Ky (even though come to think of it we didn't even get to spend time just her and I...hmmm, we gotta work on that). We sang some karaoke, talked, and encouraged each other with comments of self doubt and frustration. Thanks Ky for being such a great friend and for always being honest and open with me, and I hope that my honesty never comes across as judgement. Your in my heart friend! Saturday Treec and I slept in for the first time I think since we have been together. We finally got out of bed at noon and went downtown to Lambs for breakfast...ended up getting lunch and then walking around downtown a bit. We went and picked up my Vespa from getting fixed and then stopped at a cool store and did a bit of shopping. Love me some shopping! :) Saturday night was our annual "Scarey Movie Night" at friends Heather and Shelly's. We eat soup bowls and appetizers and watch a scarey movie or two. This year we watched Saw 3. So fun...we got home at midnight or after and I decided in the back of my mind that I love that Treec didn't go home after dropping me off. I really want to live together! I got up this morning and took my little brother to the airport for his 3 weeks of work in Minnesota, came back to my sleeping girl with a Grande Sugar Free Skinny Carmel Machiatto from Starbucks and the paper, where we layed in bed and paroozed the Toys R Us Big Book for Christmas ideas, and then I read the sports page while she enjoyed her coffee! It was one of the most amazing mornings of our relationship! I am so in love with my pretty girl I can hardly contain how I feel inside. SORRY ...kinda got all mush on ya...bleck. :) I am now at work until 5:00pm. Two more hours, but after a morning like this morning I can't complain about anything. Oh and Treec just called me a little bit ago and said there is a guy going to look at her house this afternoon! Again...keep your fingers crossed, i'm just excited that people are looking at it. I am trying not to get my hopes up but I can't help it, I really want to take the next step!!!
Okay I think I have puked you all out about now...so I will leave it with this...
oh and one more thing I have this new fascination with asking Jack who his favorite auntie is and ever time he says Heid...it's so cute...just a cute little photo of the cutest Jackson and his favorite auntie! :)

Monday, October 22, 2007
So I'm A Slacker
So I am a total slacker...I haven't posted the photos from the Halloween party, nor did we even get the camera out at the softball tournament in St. George this past weekend. BUT...I promise to get better.
Life is about to settle down a little bit! WOO HOO. Softball is over for the year, we have a long 5-6 months of yucky winter to get fat and lazy in and I determined this year not to do it! So with the encouragement of my fishin buddy and my two greatest friends...I am working on drinking protein shakes twice a day, eating healthier and smaller portions, and working out each morning at 6:00am to get my day going! I have a goal of dropping 3 pant sizes and at least 2 shirt sizes in 9 months. I want to look back in 10 months at our Hawaii photos and enjoy seeing myself in photos...so that is the goal, and I am going to stick to it! I am excited about it, and although it's been tough this past week, I have been one full week without "soda-pop" and that is huge! :)
The softball weekend was fun...we went to St. George. The weather was great, and we missed the snow fall that was had in SLC and Utah County while we were gone! PHEW. We took 3rd in the lower division, which was the greatest ranking we have had this season, but by the time we hit that last game our team due to some of our players not being able to make it at the last minute was on the edge of "done" anyway. All in all it was fun, and like I said the weather was great. We were able to swim and shop and eat and play. How can that be a bad weekend?
We got one text this weekend from our Realtor that another Realtor wanted to show Patrice's house. That was our first call...keep the good thoughts flowing...I would love to sell prior to the end of the year! HOW AMAZING THAT WOULD BE! :)
We started Christmas shopping the past couple of weeks. Gotta spread it out over the next few months. We are all very excited about the holiday season. And mostly about our Disneyland trip the first week of December! I can hardly wait to have Tristan and Patrice experience Christmas time at Disneyland.
Well, better go read some of your blogs to catch up...
May have more to say later...
Life is about to settle down a little bit! WOO HOO. Softball is over for the year, we have a long 5-6 months of yucky winter to get fat and lazy in and I determined this year not to do it! So with the encouragement of my fishin buddy and my two greatest friends...I am working on drinking protein shakes twice a day, eating healthier and smaller portions, and working out each morning at 6:00am to get my day going! I have a goal of dropping 3 pant sizes and at least 2 shirt sizes in 9 months. I want to look back in 10 months at our Hawaii photos and enjoy seeing myself in photos...so that is the goal, and I am going to stick to it! I am excited about it, and although it's been tough this past week, I have been one full week without "soda-pop" and that is huge! :)
The softball weekend was fun...we went to St. George. The weather was great, and we missed the snow fall that was had in SLC and Utah County while we were gone! PHEW. We took 3rd in the lower division, which was the greatest ranking we have had this season, but by the time we hit that last game our team due to some of our players not being able to make it at the last minute was on the edge of "done" anyway. All in all it was fun, and like I said the weather was great. We were able to swim and shop and eat and play. How can that be a bad weekend?
We got one text this weekend from our Realtor that another Realtor wanted to show Patrice's house. That was our first call...keep the good thoughts flowing...I would love to sell prior to the end of the year! HOW AMAZING THAT WOULD BE! :)
We started Christmas shopping the past couple of weeks. Gotta spread it out over the next few months. We are all very excited about the holiday season. And mostly about our Disneyland trip the first week of December! I can hardly wait to have Tristan and Patrice experience Christmas time at Disneyland.
Well, better go read some of your blogs to catch up...
May have more to say later...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Wendover 2007
Well, it's sunday, i'm sitting her watching the Green Bay Packers playin some football and thought I would download some of the photos from the weekend. We went to Wendover friday night with Ky, Beck and family. The mommies all went to the Wynnona Judd concert while Heidi and the kids stayed in the room and watched Transformers on pay-per view! WOO HOO.
When we first got there we had just enough time to go down to gorge ourselves on the seafood buffet at Montego Bay. I think we all felt like we got our moneys worth...then we went back to the room where the girls got ready to be hot for Wynnona and me and the kids got our sleeping stuff all set up and in our jammies. When the mommies got back to the room the kids were all asleep so Ky, Beck, and I went down to the casino floor for a little 21 and slots. I made myself give Tree-c my wallet and only took down $40 (THANK GAWD!) cause after a few ours of play and entertainment my $40 was gone and I was digging in my pockets for any spare money that just may have appeared. Ky had a few tequila shots and was dancing and threatening spankings to the dealers if they didn't start dealing her better hands...which they promptly replied favorably and she started handing me chips which ended up adding up to about $100. When she lost all her money, with pouty lip in tow we went back up to the room to sleep off the tequila. She woke up sad to know she lost everything, and was SUPER happy when I handed her $100 in chips. The kids were cheering for the pool...as we went down to find out it was an outdoor pool, and the pool even though heated was still chilly, they jumped into the hot tub for about 15 minutes. We went back up to the room, got dressed and went down to the breakfast buffet. I don't think any of us felt satisfied with breakfast, but we ate it anyway. Sadly the mini vacation was over and so we packed up and headed back to SLC. When we got home Tristan was so exhausted he took a couple hour nap and then we got up and went to a friends to play poker. I think I got my fair share of gambling out this weekend...but boy was it fun!
We are getting ready now to go to the GLPU Halloween activity. Tristan is very excited to be Dracula. PHOTOS TO FOLLOW!
TTFN (Go Packers!)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Feel so out of touch!
So we go away to California for the long weekend and I feel so out of touch. My thoughts are dwelling a bit on others tonight...Mer and Summer and their tragedy. I have no idea how that would feel, or how I would handle the same events in my life. Beck and Ky and their wonderful anniversary weekend in San Fran. Kori and LaLa running a marathon, someday I think I might make it a goal to write that on my list of things I want to accomplish in my lifetime (ha, ha). Karen having a total meltdown and maybe popping a few too many little pink pills that she would play dress up (and still fit) in her high school dance outfits. (and her comment about dating the high school basketball player...funny that I just saw a basketball photo of that same person the other night as Tree-c and I were cleaning out some stuff in her den-because they played on the same team) It's as if our weekend was so long ago!
We went to Sacramento, to my mom and step-dad's. 10 hour drive, with a 5 year old, who actually did amazing! I was really proud of him all weekend, we had some fun experiences. This is the 3rd time he's seen my parents, and feel naturally into calling them Grandma and Grandpa. When we got to my little sisters house, he found it so comfortable that he told me and Patrice to go to dinner without him, he "wanted to stay with Penny" who was also going to dinner with us, but he didn't want that! :) My little niece will be 1 Oct 21st, her first b-day party was sunday the 7th so that both me and my older sister could make it to the party. It was a lot of fun to spend time with them, but as always the weekend was way to short, but just a teaser to get us really excited for our family Disneyland trip in Dec! :) YEAH!
In 8 short weeks from today we will be in Disneyland! "I CAN'T STAND IT TO GO TO DISNEYLAND" in Tristan's words! :) We decided that flying would be a better option this trip, so we purchased our tickets yesterday and bagged taking 3 extra days off work and trying to book hotels in Vegas for each end of the trip to help split up the drive time. It'll be more like a fun, relaxing vacation! I can hardly wait!
Tomorrow is Wendover! And then next friday we leave for St. George for our last softball of the season. We are really excited for both events.
I got called to jury duty, I was so freakin excited, I have had to call each day this week at 5:00pm to get my next days instructions...each day the little operator telling me that my number for selection wasn't pulled yet and to call back the next day. Again, I am so excited about doing jury duty, each day at 5:00pm promptly I make the call, and still nothing. Well, tonight at 5:00pm I thought for sure, it's going to be may day to report for jury selection, NO...DAMN, they have picked the jury and they don't need me to report at all! WAAAAHHHH I so wanted to do jury duty. I never have, and I really really want to. Maybe next time :(
Well, I guess that's it for now.
We went to Sacramento, to my mom and step-dad's. 10 hour drive, with a 5 year old, who actually did amazing! I was really proud of him all weekend, we had some fun experiences. This is the 3rd time he's seen my parents, and feel naturally into calling them Grandma and Grandpa. When we got to my little sisters house, he found it so comfortable that he told me and Patrice to go to dinner without him, he "wanted to stay with Penny" who was also going to dinner with us, but he didn't want that! :) My little niece will be 1 Oct 21st, her first b-day party was sunday the 7th so that both me and my older sister could make it to the party. It was a lot of fun to spend time with them, but as always the weekend was way to short, but just a teaser to get us really excited for our family Disneyland trip in Dec! :) YEAH!
In 8 short weeks from today we will be in Disneyland! "I CAN'T STAND IT TO GO TO DISNEYLAND" in Tristan's words! :) We decided that flying would be a better option this trip, so we purchased our tickets yesterday and bagged taking 3 extra days off work and trying to book hotels in Vegas for each end of the trip to help split up the drive time. It'll be more like a fun, relaxing vacation! I can hardly wait!
Tomorrow is Wendover! And then next friday we leave for St. George for our last softball of the season. We are really excited for both events.
I got called to jury duty, I was so freakin excited, I have had to call each day this week at 5:00pm to get my next days instructions...each day the little operator telling me that my number for selection wasn't pulled yet and to call back the next day. Again, I am so excited about doing jury duty, each day at 5:00pm promptly I make the call, and still nothing. Well, tonight at 5:00pm I thought for sure, it's going to be may day to report for jury selection, NO...DAMN, they have picked the jury and they don't need me to report at all! WAAAAHHHH I so wanted to do jury duty. I never have, and I really really want to. Maybe next time :(
Well, I guess that's it for now.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
And So It Starts...The Results Show
So the fundraiser was a success! Tristan took the catalog and sign up sheet to our softball game, we hit up co-workers, family, and friends and after it was all said and done...we found out that Tristan was the student that sold the most items. He won a limo ride to lunch with the principal, and he is so excited to be the winner of the whole school. In Tristans words he "can't stand it to go for a ride in the limo". So congratulations to Tristan!
We had a late softball game last night, 9:30pm. Not so fun on a cold fall night...but we came out swinging...beat the other team 21-7, and that part was way fun!
Tristan got in his first (i'm sure of many) fights at day care yesterday. He came out of it with three scratches down his cheeks, and not just cat scratches but deep couple of layers of skin gone scratches. They haven't got the "whole" story, but per Tristan "the other kid got a write up" and he kicked the other kid only "after" he was scratched...supposedly there was a girl involved. We'll see what comes of it...we should know more this afternoon.
K...better get going to work, just had some time to kill this morning.
We had a late softball game last night, 9:30pm. Not so fun on a cold fall night...but we came out swinging...beat the other team 21-7, and that part was way fun!
Tristan got in his first (i'm sure of many) fights at day care yesterday. He came out of it with three scratches down his cheeks, and not just cat scratches but deep couple of layers of skin gone scratches. They haven't got the "whole" story, but per Tristan "the other kid got a write up" and he kicked the other kid only "after" he was scratched...supposedly there was a girl involved. We'll see what comes of it...we should know more this afternoon.
K...better get going to work, just had some time to kill this morning.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Organizing and packing sucks!
So this past weekend was spend organizing and packing a few things in Tree-c's house to attempt to get things ready for the photographer to take inside and outside photos of the house...yeah, so that didn't allow much time for anything fun, and boy did Tristan let us know about it..."I don't freakin have anyone to play with" he shouts as we tell him to go in his room for a little while longer to get him out from under our feet...it's times like that that having a lil sister (his choice) or brother would really come in handy! I look at Jack and Alyssa and see the bond of sibling they have...it's so cute (I know it's not all candy and roses-but only-children syndrome is hard sometimes). Do we want more kids...sure we've talked about it, we aren't throwing away all the baby stuff as we pack, so I guess the answer is yes, but let us get moved in together before we leap and bound our way into that step. But yes, the older he gets the more we want to hurry...so we'll see what happens.
Let me tell you for those of you that have never experienced it before, organizing and packing up a house that has 12 years of memories that aren't your own can be taxing and emotional...I guess I shouldn't take that away from Patrice, I am sure organizing and packing up 12 years of memories that are your own can be taxing and emotional. It's been hard, and i'm sure that it'll be just as hard when we get to do it at my house too!
Trying to convince Tree-c that taking her personal photos of Tristan off the wall isn't because no one wants to see that adorable kid, it's because people don't want to see your family photos on potentially their new wall, they want to visualize their family photos on those walls...and trying to pack enough to de-clutter, but not so much that she can't live in the house is a hard line to toe.
But we are doing it, and it's a step toward our life together...the pay off is so great, we are very excited to get a move on!
I can't believe it's October first and that we have already had our first snow fall of the season. It actually makes me a bit nauseous. I am very much a summer girl, if it could be 78-82 degrees year round, so I can golf and play softball year round, I would be in heaven! I would rather be HOT then cold. I can't say I hate it, but I really really don't like winter. It makes me want to get fatter and hybernate...was I a bear in another life? HMMMM.
October I think is my least favorite month. Halloween (which is Tristan's favorite holiday) is my least favorite holiday. I keep getting told I will feel different now that I have Tristan, but I am tolerating the decorations, and am fine going trick or treating with him, but I am NOT dressing up or going to a party where I have to dress up. Okay, I guess I shouldn't be so "NO", 'cause I would do anything for Treec and Tristan! But I am not going to like it. HA HA.
This October is full of weekend plans, which makes me happy...We are leaving friday for Sacramento for my nieces first b-day party! I am very excited to see my family...it's been since last Christmas for my lil sis and niece, and it's been since last Thanksgiving since I saw my big sis and nephew. So I am very excited to get on the road...those that know me know I already have the list going of things to bring and will be packed wednesday night anxious to leave the second we can get Tristan out of school friday and get on the road! THANKS TO KY AND BECK for allowing us to use the mini van (I never in my wildest dreams expected to thanks someone for such a thing...ha ha ha) but the dvd player and headphones will be a God send on a 10 hour drive with a 5 year old!
The following weekend I got Treec a ticket to see Wynnona Judd in Wendover so we are going on a little family trip (long overdue) with Ky, Beck and the kids. I will be playing with the kids while the "adults" go to the concert...Tristan can hardly wait to stay in a hotel room and I am just excited to spend time with my favorite people! :)
The third weekend in Oct will bring the annual Halloween softball tournament in St. George. It's a nice get away to some warmer climate when fall and cold is in full force here in Salt Lake. The team we are taking this year seems to be almost seamless...I am really looking forward to coming back with an announcement of a large trophy! I will keep you posted...
Then the last weekend i'll just hold my breath through for Halloween...and then it'll be November...OH MY, do you realize it's only 84 days until Christmas! AHHHHHH
(here's holding my breath for good news from Mer and Summer)
Let me tell you for those of you that have never experienced it before, organizing and packing up a house that has 12 years of memories that aren't your own can be taxing and emotional...I guess I shouldn't take that away from Patrice, I am sure organizing and packing up 12 years of memories that are your own can be taxing and emotional. It's been hard, and i'm sure that it'll be just as hard when we get to do it at my house too!
Trying to convince Tree-c that taking her personal photos of Tristan off the wall isn't because no one wants to see that adorable kid, it's because people don't want to see your family photos on potentially their new wall, they want to visualize their family photos on those walls...and trying to pack enough to de-clutter, but not so much that she can't live in the house is a hard line to toe.
But we are doing it, and it's a step toward our life together...the pay off is so great, we are very excited to get a move on!
I can't believe it's October first and that we have already had our first snow fall of the season. It actually makes me a bit nauseous. I am very much a summer girl, if it could be 78-82 degrees year round, so I can golf and play softball year round, I would be in heaven! I would rather be HOT then cold. I can't say I hate it, but I really really don't like winter. It makes me want to get fatter and hybernate...was I a bear in another life? HMMMM.
October I think is my least favorite month. Halloween (which is Tristan's favorite holiday) is my least favorite holiday. I keep getting told I will feel different now that I have Tristan, but I am tolerating the decorations, and am fine going trick or treating with him, but I am NOT dressing up or going to a party where I have to dress up. Okay, I guess I shouldn't be so "NO", 'cause I would do anything for Treec and Tristan! But I am not going to like it. HA HA.
This October is full of weekend plans, which makes me happy...We are leaving friday for Sacramento for my nieces first b-day party! I am very excited to see my family...it's been since last Christmas for my lil sis and niece, and it's been since last Thanksgiving since I saw my big sis and nephew. So I am very excited to get on the road...those that know me know I already have the list going of things to bring and will be packed wednesday night anxious to leave the second we can get Tristan out of school friday and get on the road! THANKS TO KY AND BECK for allowing us to use the mini van (I never in my wildest dreams expected to thanks someone for such a thing...ha ha ha) but the dvd player and headphones will be a God send on a 10 hour drive with a 5 year old!
The following weekend I got Treec a ticket to see Wynnona Judd in Wendover so we are going on a little family trip (long overdue) with Ky, Beck and the kids. I will be playing with the kids while the "adults" go to the concert...Tristan can hardly wait to stay in a hotel room and I am just excited to spend time with my favorite people! :)
The third weekend in Oct will bring the annual Halloween softball tournament in St. George. It's a nice get away to some warmer climate when fall and cold is in full force here in Salt Lake. The team we are taking this year seems to be almost seamless...I am really looking forward to coming back with an announcement of a large trophy! I will keep you posted...
Then the last weekend i'll just hold my breath through for Halloween...and then it'll be November...OH MY, do you realize it's only 84 days until Christmas! AHHHHHH
(here's holding my breath for good news from Mer and Summer)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Exit Sign!
So tonight was inevitable...I feel a bit guilty (sheepishly rubbing my hands as if I conjured up the grandest scheme)for possibly nudging a bit hard, but it happened! (And I am not remotely regretful about it!) Wah Ha Ha Ha...the "Exit" sign I speak of will be in the front yard advertising the "FOR SALE" of Tree-c's house which will be on the market tomorrow! She filled out all the paperwork, and for those of you who have sold a home, you know what I mean about paperwork, my good lord! And as she dated that last signature she turned to me and said "if I sell my house and you leave me I will burn down your house! and I mean it!" It wasn't "baby, i'm so excited, I love you and I can't wait to move in with you..." NO! It's "I will hunt you down and kill you"...she's so funny! (In a little bit scarey way sometimes...ha ha ha)
And now it's baby steps, we will have to pack her and get the house ready, albeit quickly, in case there is a mad rush for a small two bedroom 1 bath inexpensive home with a GIANT yard...but we are none the less, taking the steps. When her house sells, we will move them into my house while we continue to look for our "dream home" and sell my house...
Thanks for all your words of encouragement, and I have to give credit where credit is due, if it weren't for great friends who continuously reminded me that good things happen to good people, and that I deserve someone who loves me as much as I love her, I would have missed out on the last year of my life, and the rest of the life I am enjoying each day as it comes along. THANKS K & B...I love you two very much!
Keep the happy thoughts coming our way...TTFN!
And now it's baby steps, we will have to pack her and get the house ready, albeit quickly, in case there is a mad rush for a small two bedroom 1 bath inexpensive home with a GIANT yard...but we are none the less, taking the steps. When her house sells, we will move them into my house while we continue to look for our "dream home" and sell my house...
Thanks for all your words of encouragement, and I have to give credit where credit is due, if it weren't for great friends who continuously reminded me that good things happen to good people, and that I deserve someone who loves me as much as I love her, I would have missed out on the last year of my life, and the rest of the life I am enjoying each day as it comes along. THANKS K & B...I love you two very much!
Keep the happy thoughts coming our way...TTFN!
Monday, September 24, 2007
1 Year
I have been up and down with my emotions the last few days, and don't really want to air the dirty laundry, but I am needing an escape of sorts for my thoughts, so I decided to spend a few moments here, instead of in my head.
Saturday was my and Tree-c's 1 year anniversary. 1 year from the day we decided to "be exclusive". Some of the comments I have heard over the course of the last few weeks..."what, you don't live together?" "or, 1 year? wow...it seems like just the other day". Excluding the close to me who said "only a year, it seems like she's been in our lives for the whole time". I love you two! :)
But so my head is all, "yeah, it does just seem like the other day", but my heart says "it's been forever". My head is all, "should we live together? do I need my space and my alone time?" my heart says, "I want her to be the last person I see when I go to bed and the first person I see when I wake up...what are we waiting for, I want to live with her".
I also have her heart and head to contend with. All the what if's that a mother and a scorn woman from a past long term relationship might worry about. All the longing to not be alone in living and raising her son, but the concern of loving and losing again.
Is love risk enough? Is risk love enough?
Tristan keeps posing the big question "when are you and mommy getting married?", the answer "when we all live together". And I mean it when I say it. I am anxious for the day I get to turn to her and ask her to share the rest of her life with me. To stand before each other and in front of all our families and friends and express our love and commitment to each other for the rest of our lives...silly me, I am a hopeless romantic and I can't wait to stand in that spot with her in front of me, sharing in that experience...so what stops us?
The living arrangements.
I will ask again, is love risk enough? Is risk love enough? Today, I am not sure!
Saturday was my and Tree-c's 1 year anniversary. 1 year from the day we decided to "be exclusive". Some of the comments I have heard over the course of the last few weeks..."what, you don't live together?" "or, 1 year? wow...it seems like just the other day". Excluding the close to me who said "only a year, it seems like she's been in our lives for the whole time". I love you two! :)
But so my head is all, "yeah, it does just seem like the other day", but my heart says "it's been forever". My head is all, "should we live together? do I need my space and my alone time?" my heart says, "I want her to be the last person I see when I go to bed and the first person I see when I wake up...what are we waiting for, I want to live with her".
I also have her heart and head to contend with. All the what if's that a mother and a scorn woman from a past long term relationship might worry about. All the longing to not be alone in living and raising her son, but the concern of loving and losing again.
Is love risk enough? Is risk love enough?
Tristan keeps posing the big question "when are you and mommy getting married?", the answer "when we all live together". And I mean it when I say it. I am anxious for the day I get to turn to her and ask her to share the rest of her life with me. To stand before each other and in front of all our families and friends and express our love and commitment to each other for the rest of our lives...silly me, I am a hopeless romantic and I can't wait to stand in that spot with her in front of me, sharing in that experience...so what stops us?
The living arrangements.
I will ask again, is love risk enough? Is risk love enough? Today, I am not sure!
Monday, September 17, 2007
You Might Be a Redneck!
So this weekend we had the opportunity to do alot of fun things, agian! I swear, one of these weekends, I am just going to say we stayed home and did nothing, and boy will that be a great blog! :) HA HA...but this weekend we started it off friday night by me cooking dinner, t-bone steaks, fresh trout that we caught on one of our fishing trips this summer, and corn on the cob. It was delicious if I do say so myself. Even Tristan, who normally belly-aches for chicken nuggets and ranch dressing no matter what I attempt to cook for him, LOVED dinner! WOO HOO...success. Saturday morning I had to work for a couple of hours, but then we went up to the zoo to see what the cooler temperatures of fall would bring. Again, success, the bears were out and playing, the gorillas were rolling around, and the white aligator even popped it's head out of the water, prior to saturday, we hadn't even seen it move a muscle. So we had a great afternoon at the zoo!
Saturday night brought an event that I had never partaken of. Please excuse me if I offend, but I have never had the opportunity to see the type of people that we saw saturday night ever before, and I honestly laughed out loud at some of the behaviors of these people.
Some friends of mine from down in Provo and I have been talking all summer long about how we hear the roaring of engines (and it's louder in person...not that Tristan minded as you can see, he fell asleep)as the Rocky Mt Raceway holds their (it seems) nightly rituals of oval races, figure 8's, and straight track races. I had never been, although had threatened many a time to cut my hair back into my 80's and then some mullet and head on over to the races. Let me just say that the exhiliration of cars crashing into each other, and the roar of the engine so loud you could barely hear the person next to you is pretty darn fun! But the women of the races crack my shit up...let me splain (in the best mustered up Ricky Ricardo voice I have). So were sitting there, watching a 100 lap oval race. About every 2-3 laps there would be a random car bumping into another car to try to get better position, and I guess this isn't allowed and some people get a little testy when this type of action is made. The women in the stands would flip this driver off as he rounded the curve, they would cuss and hollar at him as if he could hear them. This group we were watching was obviously family and close friends of the driver being bumped...I guess he just had to keep a certain position, not even win the race to be the champion of the whole year. So they were a rootin! Each time (100 laps) he would round by us, they would hoot and hollar. They would cheer and hug at him keeping his position. The the white flag comes out, last lap, he's going to do it...the checkered flag comes out, he takes 5th (I think) but one position in front of this other car that was in battle for the championship. Next thing I know, one lady is falling over faint, she is hugging everyone, bawling with joy, the she stops, takes a knee, and seems to be about to puke. The driver pulls around near the group and reaches his arm out with a woo hoo cheer and they clap and cheer. "Unofficially, car ?? has just taken the championship" they cry, they cheer, and the driver flips some 360's in his car, squeeling tires and burning rubber, literally! WOW...I imagine it was a little like when Brandi Chastain ripped her shirt off after winning the National Championship in the Women's World Cup Soccer game a few years ago...okay, for me, not as exciting, but I imagine for these women, it was that exciting! :) It was just a new experience for me...but one I would go enjoy again...that's for sure. Tristan and I were able to do the chicken dance for Lagoon tickets, but sadly didn't win. I will throw in some photos of that too. Oh yeah, and we ran into Sum, Mer, and Cam who were also at their virgin experience at the Races too! :)
Today we got up, Tristan and I made breakfast, we watched a movie, then packed a lunch and headed up Millcreek Canyon for a picnic and a small little hike. The leaves are turning, the canyon is beautiful with the fall colors...one of the many reasons I love Utah in the fall. Enjoy the photos...and we'll catch you again soon!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The Cape
The last few days Tristan has been on a "cape" kick...he must have a cape with bats on it, not a "Batman" cape per say, but a cape with bats on it. So him and Patrice were off to the fabric stores to find the fabric. Black shiney satiny felt like fabric for one side, and bright orange cotton fabric for the other side, the orange fabric which adorns black bats...Tristans favorite animal. He was so excited he could hardly wait to show it to me.
The last two days have been spent trying to figure out how to sew the damn thing together. Patrice pulled her sewing machine out of the deepest darkest corner of the basement and attempted to thread the machine with black thread. She called me a little while later to come help her fix the damn thing because she couldn't get the bobbin to go back into the bottom of the machine. My mom and dad are both very established and amazingly beautiful quilters, I however haven't a clue how to even sew a button back on a shirt...so for me to even tinker with a sewing machine was almost laughable...but what the heck, I will try anything to help my girl out.
So a little while into it, I get the whole thing back together, get the thread threaded threw all the little cracks and crevasses and turn it on...the little wheel will spin, but the needle wont go up and down...I wanted to throw the damn thing! Then I wanted to run out to the nearest sewing machine establishment and purchase a new one that I could sit and read the whole instruction manual and know exactly how to sew. Cause that is what I do, when I get anything new, I am a manual reader! But we were late, had to get to softball...WHICH WE KICKED SOME ASS I MIGHT ADD! Great game! WOO HOO.
So anyway...small tangent, I decided this afternoon to go pick up Tristan from day care a little early, took his little helmet and drove the Vespa to pick the little man up. He was so excited when I picked him up, he ran straight over and jumped into my arms and goes "did you bring my helmet?" Well of course, do you think his Mother would allow me to pick him up without having a helmet, shoulder pads, knee pads, elbow pads, a rope to tie him to me and to the scooter all to drive on back roads about 3 blocks down the road....HA HA HA okay smallish exadurations. (how the hell do you spell that word? WHAT THE!) But yes, I brought his helmet. So we get back to my place and we decide to watch Boomerang (the greatest channel on Directv, just ask Tristan) and share a cantelope. When Tree-c got home it wasn't long until he started asking about his Cape again...so now back to the story.
So I had called my cousin Tina, who loves to sew (not really sure that she does "love it", but she can sew, and I knew it, so I called her) and was thrilled that we wanted to come over and visit and have her help Tree-c with the cape.
They DID amazing! By the time we left Tina's house, the cape was sewn, Tristan and Cameron (Tina's youngest) were thoroughly exhausted from running up and down all their stairs, and Tristan decided we needed to buy Tina's house..."come on Heid, we have enough money for it, i'm serious". He says the funniest things sometimes. Tina and her family are actually moving and putting their home on the market in the near future. Hmmm...we'll have to see.
So tomorrow is "show-n-tell" at Kindergarten...his last comment before I got out of the car "what if they think my cape is dumb?" "Buddy...your cape is awesome, and even if no one else likes it, you do, and that is all that matters!" That seemed to ease his mind...we'll see what tomorrow brings!
I will add a photo soon...
The last two days have been spent trying to figure out how to sew the damn thing together. Patrice pulled her sewing machine out of the deepest darkest corner of the basement and attempted to thread the machine with black thread. She called me a little while later to come help her fix the damn thing because she couldn't get the bobbin to go back into the bottom of the machine. My mom and dad are both very established and amazingly beautiful quilters, I however haven't a clue how to even sew a button back on a shirt...so for me to even tinker with a sewing machine was almost laughable...but what the heck, I will try anything to help my girl out.
So a little while into it, I get the whole thing back together, get the thread threaded threw all the little cracks and crevasses and turn it on...the little wheel will spin, but the needle wont go up and down...I wanted to throw the damn thing! Then I wanted to run out to the nearest sewing machine establishment and purchase a new one that I could sit and read the whole instruction manual and know exactly how to sew. Cause that is what I do, when I get anything new, I am a manual reader! But we were late, had to get to softball...WHICH WE KICKED SOME ASS I MIGHT ADD! Great game! WOO HOO.
So anyway...small tangent, I decided this afternoon to go pick up Tristan from day care a little early, took his little helmet and drove the Vespa to pick the little man up. He was so excited when I picked him up, he ran straight over and jumped into my arms and goes "did you bring my helmet?" Well of course, do you think his Mother would allow me to pick him up without having a helmet, shoulder pads, knee pads, elbow pads, a rope to tie him to me and to the scooter all to drive on back roads about 3 blocks down the road....HA HA HA okay smallish exadurations. (how the hell do you spell that word? WHAT THE!) But yes, I brought his helmet. So we get back to my place and we decide to watch Boomerang (the greatest channel on Directv, just ask Tristan) and share a cantelope. When Tree-c got home it wasn't long until he started asking about his Cape again...so now back to the story.
So I had called my cousin Tina, who loves to sew (not really sure that she does "love it", but she can sew, and I knew it, so I called her) and was thrilled that we wanted to come over and visit and have her help Tree-c with the cape.
They DID amazing! By the time we left Tina's house, the cape was sewn, Tristan and Cameron (Tina's youngest) were thoroughly exhausted from running up and down all their stairs, and Tristan decided we needed to buy Tina's house..."come on Heid, we have enough money for it, i'm serious". He says the funniest things sometimes. Tina and her family are actually moving and putting their home on the market in the near future. Hmmm...we'll have to see.
So tomorrow is "show-n-tell" at Kindergarten...his last comment before I got out of the car "what if they think my cape is dumb?" "Buddy...your cape is awesome, and even if no one else likes it, you do, and that is all that matters!" That seemed to ease his mind...we'll see what tomorrow brings!
I will add a photo soon...
Monday, September 10, 2007
And So It Starts...
For those of you with children not quite school age, let me explain my newest head shaking astonishment.
Week one of kindergarten, you would think it would be all about coloring, maybe a little finger paints, some singing and banging on pans learning the hokey pokey...NO. Well, that stuff may have happened, but what we get out of Tristans explanation of "how was your day" was "if you buy me some cookie dough, I can go on a car ride with dark windows to a pizza party with a cool braclet!" "here, here is the paper". What? I think to myself, in the HELL is he talking about...well, I take the bright green paper he hands me and find out that we are starting a fund raiser! Seriously, week one? Kindergarten? Seriously though...cookie dough, frozen mini pizzas, soft pretzels, churros, brownies, punkin pie, apple pie, and a few other assorted items. As I read on, I see that for any one item that he sells he get's a glo-in-the dark braclet. The kid that sells the most items in the school gets a ride in a limo (hence the car with the dark windows) and the class that sells the most gets a pizza party. He's so funny...
So here it starts...wanna buy some frozen treats for Tristan's fund raiser? We gotta help our boy get his braclet and limo ride to lunch! :)
Oh, and when your kids start their fund raising years...we'll be there for them too! :)
Week one of kindergarten, you would think it would be all about coloring, maybe a little finger paints, some singing and banging on pans learning the hokey pokey...NO. Well, that stuff may have happened, but what we get out of Tristans explanation of "how was your day" was "if you buy me some cookie dough, I can go on a car ride with dark windows to a pizza party with a cool braclet!" "here, here is the paper". What? I think to myself, in the HELL is he talking about...well, I take the bright green paper he hands me and find out that we are starting a fund raiser! Seriously, week one? Kindergarten? Seriously though...cookie dough, frozen mini pizzas, soft pretzels, churros, brownies, punkin pie, apple pie, and a few other assorted items. As I read on, I see that for any one item that he sells he get's a glo-in-the dark braclet. The kid that sells the most items in the school gets a ride in a limo (hence the car with the dark windows) and the class that sells the most gets a pizza party. He's so funny...
So here it starts...wanna buy some frozen treats for Tristan's fund raiser? We gotta help our boy get his braclet and limo ride to lunch! :)
Oh, and when your kids start their fund raising years...we'll be there for them too! :)
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Working...on the sabbath! HA HA
So here I sit at the record store, listening to a little jazzy piano music waiting for my obligatory 6 hour once every two months sunday shift to slowly creep by and thought I would blog a little.
Saturday afternoon Tree, Tristan, and I went to a friend of our's daughters b-day party and meet a couple of bloggers "Twins and Two Moms". Such a cute little family! What a small little world.
After the party we were fortunate enough to have Tree-c's mom watch Tristan for a couple of hours so we could go to our local Lesbian watering hole to celebrate a couple of friends of ours birthday's. First of all let me just say, $2.50 for a f-ing bottle of water for the Designated Driver? And $7.50 for specialty shots? I can't afford to go drinking anymore! A little into the night I leaned over to Tree to ask her what time it was, it was just creeping up on 10:00pm. I was done for the night and ready to go pick up the little man! HOW FUNNY! On the way out however, I did see a couple of old familiar faces, it was great to share a hug and introduce Treec. All in all it was a good evening.
This morning I got up at 7:00am and went golfing with my dad and Kenny. Went to Wingpointe and played 9-holes. I out drove them both on a few of the holes, and only lost to my dad by 2 strokes. It was a great beginning to the day.
This afternoon Mer, Sum, and Cam are planning to come over to have a hot dog and let the boys play. Should be a good afternoon!
Okay...have a great rest of the weekend TTFN.
Saturday afternoon Tree, Tristan, and I went to a friend of our's daughters b-day party and meet a couple of bloggers "Twins and Two Moms". Such a cute little family! What a small little world.
After the party we were fortunate enough to have Tree-c's mom watch Tristan for a couple of hours so we could go to our local Lesbian watering hole to celebrate a couple of friends of ours birthday's. First of all let me just say, $2.50 for a f-ing bottle of water for the Designated Driver? And $7.50 for specialty shots? I can't afford to go drinking anymore! A little into the night I leaned over to Tree to ask her what time it was, it was just creeping up on 10:00pm. I was done for the night and ready to go pick up the little man! HOW FUNNY! On the way out however, I did see a couple of old familiar faces, it was great to share a hug and introduce Treec. All in all it was a good evening.
This morning I got up at 7:00am and went golfing with my dad and Kenny. Went to Wingpointe and played 9-holes. I out drove them both on a few of the holes, and only lost to my dad by 2 strokes. It was a great beginning to the day.
This afternoon Mer, Sum, and Cam are planning to come over to have a hot dog and let the boys play. Should be a good afternoon!
Okay...have a great rest of the weekend TTFN.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Utah State Fair
I just can't help but show off these photos of some of the most adorable kids I have ever seen! We went to the fair with a large group last night (friday 09/07) and had a great time riding rides, eating corn on the cob and greasy treats...and we even tried a fried snicker for the first time! So fun to see everyone that was there...have a great day!
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